The Inked Grimoire
How to Practice Secretive Magick
The Dark Moon is a potent time for transformation and release. It’s also the ideal moon phase for practicing secretive magick – spells and rituals intentionally kept hidden for your protection. Whether you’re shielding yourself from unwanted energies or working in the shadows to bring justice, secretive magick allows you to act with discretion and power.
How to Work with the Dark Moon
When the moon is dark and hidden from view, just before the New Moon, it’s the perfect time for invisibility magick, return-to-sender spells, curses, hexes, banishing, and divination. This phase represents endings, rest, and deep introspection, setting the stage for personal transformation and spiritual growth.
Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse in Virgo – March 14, 2025
Welcome to Eclipse Season! This month, our Full Moon in Virgo ushers in a period of transformation and introspection.
How to Set Up a Crystal Grid
Crystal grids can be powerful tools for manifestation and magick. This post contains specific instructions on how to set up a crystal grid.
How to Identify Your Gemstones
Witches love gemstones – this is simply a fact. So, it’s pretty normal for us to have a bunch of gemstones that we’ve collected over the years. It’s also pretty common for us to forget what they’re called. If this sounds like you, here are some tips and guides to help you identify your specimens so you can work with them on a more regular basis.
New Moon in Pisces – February 27, 2025
Have you felt ultra-sensitive lately, too? Blame it on Pisces, witch! And with the Pisces New Moon coming up on February 27th, we’re likely to experience many emotions, sometimes unexpectedly. You may also feel extra tender and take things a little personally, but that’s just a reminder of how human you are. After cooler-headed Capricorn and Aquarius seasons, this swim into Pisces season reminds us that our inner knowing is a compass for our lives and that emotions can lead us to abundance.
5 Ways to Use Gemstones in Your Witchcraft Practice
Are gemstones a part of your witchcraft practice? If so, you may already wear or carry them to promote positive energy throughout your day. But beyond their beauty, these gifts from Mother Earth hold potent magickal properties that can enhance your spells, rituals, and daily spiritual work. Here are some of our favorite ways to incorporate gemstones into your practice.
Full Moon in Leo – February 12, 2025
Get ready for some powerful messages from the Universe this week with the Full Moon in Leo on February 12. The energy will likely be chaotic with this Full Moon, possibly bringing you the shake-ups you've needed in your life but perhaps avoiding. Change is coming, and you're being called to listen to your intuition and trust yourself.
How to Practice Rebirth and Renewal Magick
As we step into springtime and the world begins to wake up from its wintery slumber, you may find yourself inspired to practice rebirth and renewal magick. This type of magick can take the form of replenishing your energy, intentionally letting go of limiting beliefs, or even working with deities to start fresh on your spiritual path. Let’s explore some ways to practice this healing and supportive magick!
New Moon in Aquarius – January 29, 2025
We are stepping into a new era, witches. This New Moon in Aquarius is our Lunar New Year and an invitation to initiate a new era in our personal lives.
10 Ways to Bring Nature into Your Everyday Life
Nature is one of the most potent sources of magick. It connects us to the Earth’s rhythms, nourishes our spirits, and inspires our craft. While most of us would love to live in a cottage in the middle of the woods, the reality is most of us are suburban or urban witches. So, even something as simple as walking barefoot in the grass may be a challenge. Nature remains, though, and through small, intentional shifts in your environment and routines, you can commune with Mother Nature every day.
Full Moon in Cancer – January 13, 2025
Welcome to the first Full Moon of the year! While this moon is traditionally known as the Wolf Moon, it might be more fitting to borrow the Celtic name, the “Stay Home Moon,” for this one. Positioned opposite Pluto and in the deeply emotional sign of Cancer, this Full Moon is bound to stir up big feelings, complex relationships, and possibly some mid-month anger.