How to Identify Your Gemstones

Witches love gemstones – this is simply a fact. So, it’s pretty normal for us to have a bunch of gemstones that we’ve collected over the years. It’s also pretty common for us to forget what they’re called. If this sounds like you, here are some tips and guides to help you identify your specimens so you can work with them on a more regular basis.
The Quartz Family
If you’re new to gemstones, it may blow your mind to learn that Citrine and Amethyst are the same essential gemstones that have undergone different conditions. Citrine naturally has a light yellow or golden hue to it. It’s easy to see through it, and natural Citrine can be quite expensive.
Most of the Citrine on the market is heat-treated Amethyst or Smoky Quartz. That’s right! Add heat to Amethyst and it turns yellow and orange. The two gemstones are forms of macrocrystalline quartz, a type which also includes Rose Quartz and Smoky Quartz.
As “cousins” in the gemstone world, all these forms of quartz complement one another and help boost each other’s vibrations.
Flash in Gemstones
Iridescence, sometimes called flash, is a gorgeous quality of some of our favorite gemstones, including Moonstone, Labradorite, Fire Agate, and Opal. This flash can be seen when you hold the gemstone in the light and see a reflection or a little hidden rainbow. Flash happens when thin layers of different minerals are present within the stone.
Let’s Talk Agates
Agates are actually a form of Chalcedony. They can range from gorgeous natural agates like Blue Lace Agate, Fire Agate, and Botswana Agate, to Moss and Tree Agate (more on those in a moment). You can also find dyed Agates in many gemstone stores, and these often come as slices.
Dyed Agates are easy to spot as they are usually vibrant colors of pink, blue, or purple. You aren’t likely to pick up a dyed Agate on accident. Reputable shops will also disclose the fact that the Agate is dyed (we’ll always note that sort of thing in our listings too!).
Two of the most confused Agates are Moss Agate and Tree Agate. Moss Agate looks like moss in water, with rich greens and very little white. Tree Agate, on the other hand, looks like green tree branches against a white or light background. Both are gorgeous gemstones and deserve a place in your collection!
What About Agate vs. Jasper?
Agates and Jaspers have many similarities, but the easiest way to differentiate the two is to try and look through your specimens. Agate is transparent or translucent, meaning you can see through it to a certain extent. Jasper, on the other hand, is opaque.
Aura Quartz
Aura Quartz is a stunning example of a collaboration between human and Mother Nature’s creativity. This gemstone is one of the few human-altered crystals that healers and witches alike use regularly. Aura Quartz is created by coating natural Quartz with different metals and heating them to change the appearance and vibration of the stone. The combination amplifies the gemstone and the metal, creating an even more energetic tool.
- Angel Aura Quartz is created by adding platinum and/or silver to Clear Quartz. It’s a powerful meditation crystal and all-healing gemstone.
- Aqua Aura Quartz is created by adding gold to Clear Quartz. It’s bright blue and shines with pink and purple flashes.
- Rose Aura Quartz is created by adding platinum or other metals to Rose Quartz. The combination results in light to hot pink crystals.
Mineral Specimens that We Call Gemstones
Finally, there are several mineral and glass specimens that we call gemstones. Libyan Desert Glass, Moldavite, and Obsidian are just three of these.
- Libyan Desert Glass is a naturally created glass that originated in the Libyan Desert. Also known as Libyan Gold Tektite, it is believed to have been created by a meteorite that hit Earth almost 30 million years ago.
- Moldavite is a green tektite found in the Czech Republic, formed when a meteorite hit Earth 14 million years ago. It is often referred to as 'The Stone of Transformation' due to its ability to accelerate spiritual and emotional growth.
- Obsidian is a form of volcanic glass that is created when lava cools rapidly. It’s an extremely protective stone and perfect for dispelling negativity.
When you purchase gemstones from us, you can always find information about their uses and magickal properties in the shop. And if you can’t find something, just ask!
Happy gemstone identification, witches.
Megan W.