New Moon in Pisces – February 27, 2025

Have you felt ultra-sensitive lately, too? Blame it on Pisces, witch! And with the Pisces New Moon coming up on February 27th, we’re likely to experience many emotions, sometimes unexpectedly. You may also feel extra tender and take things a little personally, but that’s just a reminder of how human you are. After cooler-headed Capricorn and Aquarius seasons, this swim into Pisces season reminds us that our inner knowing is a compass for our lives and that emotions can lead us to abundance. Let’s get into it.
This New Moon may be emotional, but it’s also associated with mastery and success. This is the perfect time to set intentions for being yourself because that authenticity is where you’ll really be able to shine. Consider what you do best in your family, job, or community. Are you honoring those natural abilities? If not, it’s time to set intentions to find better places for you to shine your inner light.
Jupiter is a big player at this stage, too. The planet of expansion and abundance is going to help guide you to your natural talents and abilities. Jupiter has an uncanny ability to help you see the bright side of situations and where you can truly thrive as yourself, and that’s going to be a big theme for the next few weeks.
We’re also about to enter our springtime eclipse season. From this New Moon through the end of April, we’ll be experiencing significant shifts and deep transformations. While this New Moon isn’t an eclipse itself, it serves as the opening portal for the season, so these energies will also be present.
Set your intentions toward creating a better future for yourself and those around you. Look to community members for support and lend a hand where you can. Surrender to the universe, look to your guides for inspiration, and go with the flow as much as possible over these next several weeks. And remember, when it’s hard to find an answer, go within. Intuitive Pisces is here to help you tap into your Higher Self.
Horoscopes for the New Moon in Pisces
Aries: This is a time for rest. Set intentions for what you’d like to release or move beyond. Although it may sound counterintuitive, sometimes our intentions should focus on what to do less of, and that’s the case for Aries this time around.
Taurus: It’s all about community for you this New Moon. Who can you call on to help launch your next great idea? What local businesses can you support with your dollars? Who supports you when you’re having a rough day? Set your intentions around the answers to these questions, and they’ll lead you to joy.
Gemini: It’s easy to want to push yourself toward a goal, but this New Moon is encouraging you to set intentions around success by relying on trust over force. Allow the flow of the stars to guide you to the next step in your professional life and do your best to maintain flexibility over the next few weeks.
Cancer: Time to make some plans, Cancer! Whether you’ve been planning a vacation or starting a new certification program, now’s the time to get serious with it. You’re being called to exercise your creative and spiritual abilities, so maybe a new tarot or meditation course is in the cards for you!
Leo: You’re being called to set intentions for release this New Moon. Release the emotions and the stress you’ve been carrying around and set intentions for meaningful connection with the people around you. Now is a good time for emotional healing, signing up for therapy, or doing some shadow work.
Virgo: Pisces is guiding you to lean into your relationships right now. What do these relationships tell you about yourself? Are you holding on too tightly, or have you been dismissive while under stress? Consider what needs to change and set intentions for authenticity and for showing up just as you are.
Libra: Your innate desire for balance is admirable, AND it’s time to turn to more intuitive ways of being. Progress isn’t linear, and it’s certainly not something you can check off on a list. Set intentions for new daily habits that feel sacred, magickal, and flowing rather than a bunch of to-dos.
Scorpio: We’re a couple of weeks after Valentine’s Day, but romance is still in the air for Scorpio! Set intentions around your romantic relationship(s) and your personal expression. What excites you and fuels you with creative (or romantic!) passion? Set intentions to do more of that!
Sagittarius: It’s time to nest a bit. Focus on creating comfort in your home and sacred spaces. This includes setting intentions around belonging for yourself and others as you welcome them into your life. Where do you feel most seen? Set intentions to hang out in those places more often.
Capricorn: Clear communication is the kindest form of communication. This New Moon, set intentions to communicate clearly, kindly, and compassionately. Everyone will be a little more sensitive around you, so make sure you’re allowing your heart as well as your mind into the conversation.
Aquarius: Abundance is the name of the game this time around. Set intentions that provide for emotional abundance, safety, and positive relationships. What makes you feel safe? Do more of that!
Pisces: This is your New Moon, Pisces! It’s an excellent time for a spiritual and emotional reset, and you’re probably loving the intuitive, creative vibe around you. Enjoy it! Set intentions for your personal and professional success that allow for flexibility. Recommit yourself to your passions and interests, too!
Happy New Moon, witches!
Megan W.