How to Work with the Dark Moon

When the moon is dark and hidden from view, just before the New Moon, it’s the perfect time for invisibility magick, return-to-sender spells, curses, hexes, banishing, and divination. This phase represents endings, rest, and deep introspection, setting the stage for personal transformation and spiritual growth. Let’s dive in.
What is the Dark Moon?
The Dark Moon is the point at which the moon is completely “dark” and at 0% illumination. Many moon apps and online calendars label this as the New Moon, but the space between 0% illumination and when the moon begins to brighten again is considered the Dark Moon.
As with most magickal practices, there’s flexibility in how you work with the Dark Moon versus the New Moon. You don’t have to work with the Dark Moon, but if you do, you gain access to a powerful phase that allows for deep internal shifts.
How is the Dark Moon Different from the New Moon?
The Dark Moon is the quietest, most introspective moon phase. Think of it like a flower bud: tightly closed, gathering energy before bursting into bloom. This phase is ideal for turning inward, doing shadow work, connecting with the spirit realm, and practicing divination.
The New Moon, however, signals the start of a new lunar cycle. It carries a sense of hope, expansion, and forward movement, a fresh start toward your goals and creative flow. Working with both phases creates a beautiful rhythm of release and renewal.
Practices for the Dark Moon
Burial and Release
A powerful Dark Moon practice is “burying the dead.” No, not literally (and if you are, please don’t tell us!). This can be a time to bury completed spells, if they’re eco-friendly, or bury any bitches you've put in jars.
More practical magick includes cleaning out your fridge and discarding old food (a literal removal of stagnant energy) or clearing out your closet and donating to charity. This phase also supports personal transformation, shedding old versions of yourself and stepping into who you want to become.
Spirit Communication
The Dark Moon is an excellent time for spirit work. You can connect with ancestors, dark deities, or entities associated with transformation, hidden wisdom, and endings.
Try writing a letter to your ancestors, or if you maintain an ancestor altar, use this phase to cleanse and reset it. You might also replenish offerings to dark goddesses or spirit guides who work within the shadows.
Banishing and Protection Magick
Whether you prefer freezer spells, warding, or banishing rituals, the Dark Moon is ideal for casting them. This phase aligns with secrecy, something I believe should always apply to protection and banishing magick. No one needs to know what you’re doing, or they may try to undo it!
The Dark Moon is also powerful for veiled rituals, cursing, uncrossing, and crossroads magick.
Dark Moon Deities
If you work with deities, or would like to, here are a few to consider. The Dark Moon is a perfect time to seek their guidance or invite them into your practice. Unsurprisingly, most of these deities are goddesses:
- Hecate
- Nyx
- Persephone
- Lilith
- The Morrigan
- Hel
- Nut
Whether you use this phase for magickal work or simply to rest before the moon’s new cycle, the Dark Moon is a potent time for reflection, release, and renewal. Honor it in the way that feels best for you.