Full Moon in Leo – February 12, 2025

Get ready for some powerful messages from the Universe this week with the Full Moon in Leo on February 12. The energy will likely be chaotic with this Full Moon, possibly bringing you the shake-ups you've needed in your life but perhaps avoiding. Change is coming, and you're being called to listen to your intuition and trust yourself. As we move to the pinnacle of the Moon's energy at its brightest, allow that power to shed light on the fears that have been keeping you back. Monsters disappear when you flip the light on, after all.
With the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo, we're being asked to look inward for new ways of doing things as we create a stronger bond with our inner truth. Leo's energy is extraverted and bombastic, pushing us to pursue our passions while Aquarius is the intellectual of the Zodiac, prompting us to analyze what works and what doesn't. Now is the perfect time to look at how you've been seeking entertainment, creativity, and expression while asking yourself if it's truly supportive of the future you want to create.
Don't forget your value and worth, witch. When we hide who we truly are, it always ends up hurting us the most. Allow Leo's passion and pride to lead you to be more of yourself in every part of your life. Remember, the most important person in your life is YOU and your acceptance of yourself is the most important one of all.
You are free to be you. After the Full Moon, release anything and anyone who prevents you from living in your authenticity.
Here's your Full Moon Horoscope for February:
Aries: Your emotions are on fire with this Full Moon. Although you may want to hide them, let them out! You don't have to hide who you are to be loved and accepted. Focus your energy on your creative pursuits to help you maintain balance.
Taurus: Spend time zhuzhing your home, or should we say "nest"? Step into the spring season a little early with some fresh flowers on your table or by switching up your wardrobe a bit. It's a good thing when people notice you for your uniqueness!
Gemini: Look, this month, you will want to get in people's faces about things, especially online. Give yourself a break from the constant barrage of information at the Full Moon, and remember that when you get all fired up, the only person you're burning is yourself. Use this Full Moon to learn more about yourself and what you love.
Cancer: Whatever luxury item happens to be calling your name this month, remember two things: 1) of course, you're worth it, and 2) your credit card balance may not appreciate it. Remember that it's not the things we surround ourselves with that determines our worth, but who we are and how we make other people feel.
Leo: This is your Full Moon, Leo, so you may be basking in the limelight of recognition and praise. This is the perfect month to try that new improv class or grab the mic on karaoke night. You might also see the fulfillment of your intention from Leo season 6 months ago. Go ahead and celebrate!
Virgo: Normally, you're okay with getting your work done and taking care of business without considerable recognition. However, Leo's energy may have you craving that recognition this month, so be aware that you may have a bit of an emotional meltdown if you feel taken for granted. Don't get mad at yourself for it, though, and be sure to practice some self-care to help you stay grounded.
Libra: Get ready for the Full Moon to reveal any false friends in your life. Let go of the people who use you for their benefit or aren't true friends. On the flip side, you may be presented with a powerful collaboration opportunity, so keep an eye out for that!
Scorpio: Check in with your work situation around the Full Moon. Are you more autonomous and able to make your own decisions, or is someone else calling the shots? If it's the latter, this might be the perfect time to go back on the job hunt to find a place where they recognize your talents and you can lead initiatives.
Sagittarius: You're being called to step into the spotlight, and it may be a bit overwhelming if you're already super busy. It's a great time to step up at work or throw your hat into the ring for a promotion, but be careful about what you post online this week. Too much public exposure can be detrimental to your goals.
Capricorn: Release the need to control things and allow yourself to explore your current curiosity around partnerships, sex, and money this Full Moon. There will be extra emotion and drama with this lunation, and you may feel a rush of feelings about what has been going on in your life over the past 6 months. Allow completions to come where needed, and allow for possibilities too, especially during the month of love!
Aquarius: You're feeling peaked emotions during this Full Moon, too, Aquarius. You may feel an "all or nothing" vibe from your sister sign, Leo, and your usually intellectual vibes might be shifting to focus more on how things feel. This might illuminate a partnership or relationship that you've outgrown.
Pisces: The powerful Full Moon vibes and Leo's need for recognition may have you feeling far more emotional than usual. You may also be tempted to overcommit in an attempt to support your friends or coworkers. Take time to assess what's best for YOU first, and you'll feel better through this phase.
Happy Full Moon, witches!