Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Leo- January 21, 2019

On January 21st, the full moon in fire sign Leo arrives to teach you about the need to pursue your true passions. The sign of Leo deals with the ego, creativity, and self expression. What will inspire you to achieve our goals in the year ahead? Are your goals based on how others see you or how you see yourself? These questions should come up more than once within the following two weeks of this full moon.
Since this full moon is also a total lunar eclipse in Leo, your personal life will especially be affected. Opposite the moon In Leo is the sun in Aquarius, which creates an energetic polarity between the self and others. It is a good time to re-examine any close relationships under this influence. This is because you will be more in tune with your own desires, and you are better able to trust your gut feelings.
Planet Uranus’s influence on this full moon could cause you to become impulsive or over react. Remember to think before you act and conserve your energy by remaining grounded. I say this because surprises are also likely to occur. By remaining present, it will help you to stay calm and centered! If you feel called to set intentions under this full moon, use your heart and your mind to guide you to create a balance between the two. Wishing you all a positive full moon in Leo!
-Best wishes, Juliana M. Fanucchi
Author Bio:
Juliana uses astrology to understand how the planets can affect us on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Raised as a Nichiren Buddhist, she studies other metaphysical interests like numerology, music, tarot, and gemstones. She received her 200 hour yoga certification in December 2016. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can follow her on Instagram- instagram.com/whooliana.