Romancing the Stone: Black Tourmaline- The Protection Talisman

The term tourmaline translates to “stone of mixed colors”. Tourmaline in general comes in a variety of colors, and in fact is said to have traveled the rainbow to capture its colors and magick. Black tourmaline accounts for 95% of tourmaline stones found in nature. As we know, black isn’t one color, but is the absorption of every color. How many rainbows black tourmaline must have traveled to gain every color!
Black stones in general are used for protection, and black tourmaline was specifically used by ancient magicians for protection during spell casting and rituals. I currently use black tourmaline at every corner of my altar to deflect any negative energies or psychic attacks from entering my sacred space. I also carry black tourmaline when I know I will be encountering difficult people. As an empath, it helps me stay grounded to myself while deflecting the negative and even vampiric energies of others. Black tourmaline holds the unique ability to be electrically charged by heat or just by rubbing. In this way, black tourmaline can enhance luck and literally bring positively charged energy to the carrier. This makes it a great gift for anyone dealing with excessive fear or anxiety.
While black tourmaline is associated with the root chakra, it can be used to align all chakras. Remember it has the energy and power of every color. Double pointed tourmaline is best for body work and chakra alignment. When paired with a crown chakra stone, the power of balancing both the physical and spiritual bodies is enhanced. If you are lucky enough to own Inked Goddess Creations’ black tourmaline and selenite Balance Necklace, perhaps you have felt this power and can share!
Author Bio:
JessNamaste works to bring love and light to those around her. This series, “Romancing the Stone”, is her first time sharing her knowledge and experience with the metaphysical world. JessNamaste has always spoken the language of the earth, crystals and stones. We hope her knowledge will bring you not only information, but inspiration as well! If you want to get to know her more through her experiences, or send her a message directly, please visit JessNamaste.