New Moon in Capricorn- January 5, 2019

January 5th brings the first new moon of 2019 in earth sign Capricorn. This new moon is also a partial solar eclipse. What a powerful and positive way to start off the new year! This is especially helpful to those who set any new year's resolutions, as Capricorn's ambitious nature aids us in sticking with our goals until they are achieved. We will feel motivated to get things done. Just remember to pace yourself and stay organized. Take steps one day at a time.
Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which teaches us about boundaries. During this time we should learn to recognize our limitations, and see it as a way of freeing ourselves of anything unnecessary. This could be some part of our personality that we would be better off without, a relationship that requires more or less commitment, or perhaps a job that isn't helping us move forward in our desired career path. Developing a deeper sense of maturity allows us to become more in control of our plans for the year ahead.
Something to be aware of under this new moon is our desire to accomplish things all on our own. While it is important to have a sense of independence, becoming too solitary can cause us to feel unsupported and resentful. If someone offers a helping hand, it won't hurt to share some responsibilities. All work and no play can get in the way of us enjoying the present moment! Remember that there's a difference between realism and pessimism. Use the next two weeks to solidify your resolutions, and get excited about the success that awaits your efforts!
Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Be well, Juliana M. Fanucchi
Author Bio:
Juliana uses astrology to understand how the planets can affect us on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Raised as a Nichiren Buddhist, she studies other metaphysical interests like numerology, music, tarot, and gemstones. She received her 200 hour yoga certification in December 2016. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can follow her on Instagram-