Owning Your Sacred Rage for Divine Feminine Transformation

Owning Your Sacred Rage for Divine Feminine Transformation

The divine feminine, often misunderstood as passive, is a force to be reckoned with. What if we redefine our perception of the divine feminine? This energy resonates with the water and earth elements and the moon, powerful forces of nature! It's embodied by the fierce goddesses Kali, The Morrigan, and Nyx, among others. Let's tap into this power and redefine our understanding of the divine feminine.

As complete human beings, we experience a range of emotions, but society often dictates that we suppress them. It's time to challenge this norm and embrace all our emotions, especially our sacred rage. In doing so, we align ourselves with the strength of these formidable goddesses and the fierceness within us. Let's take back control and empower ourselves.

Sacred Rage Helps Us Break Free

I was raised to be a “good girl,” and I bet you were too. Women who are people-pleasers as adults were often brought up to respect authority and not talk back as kids. Growing up, we internalized the lessons that we must look to others for guidance and direction. We were taught to follow the rules and accept that sometimes, things are just the way things are. Do any of these phrases sound familiar to you?

The truth is, we aren’t powerless. We don’t have to accept what’s hard around us as normal. We don’t have to stand by and let injustice and harm happen to ourselves and others. In fact, the divine feminine is the opposite of passively standing by and watching as something bad happens.

The Divine Feminine Seeks Justice for Those Harmed

Think about the Triple Goddess: the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. While the Maiden is about growing up and coming into our own, the Mother is about nurturing, protecting, and impacting the world. The Crone knows better than to buy the B.S. that the world tells her and some of the fiercest fighters for what matters are women who are in the “crone” part of their lives.

As we grow and age, we become more invested in social justice and community. We invest our time and resources into movements that are important to us, whether they be civil rights, dog rescues, or a local food pantry.

The belief and insistence that things can be better drive us to make these commitments and investments with our energy, time, and attention.

Anger is Sacred

Many of us were discouraged from showing our anger when we were in our “maiden” years. As children and teens, we learned that our anger was unsafe and that it could lead to punishment. However, the idea that anger is bad couldn’t be further from the truth.

Anger is powerful. It’s supportive, transformative, and holy.

We do not have to sit by when the world is literally on fire. In fact, when we do not answer the call from our sacred rage, we become complacent. We disconnect from what really matters.

The world needs changemakers and those who are willing to step up and fight for themselves and others when injustice looms.

Howl at the moon! Dance with wild abandon. Scream to your deities for their help. And then direct that anger toward something powerful.

Whether you channel it into a spell, make calls to your representatives, finally have the conversation you’ve been putting off with your partner, or volunteer for a cause that’s important to you, your sacred rage will fuel your drive and lead to transformational shifts in all parts of your life.

Allow Your Sacred Rage to Transform You

Women have been conditioned for generations to be, do, and act a certain way, all because of our gender. If this makes you furious, my friend, you’re at the sacred rage point. Now, it’s time to change things.

Start by confronting those conditioned beliefs. Say, “fuck it!” to the things in your life that drag you down and keep you confined to the boxes that other people have made for you.

Fight back against unfairness and injustice when you see it happen. Take the phrase “see something, say something” and spin it on its head. Instead of being a tattletale, when you see someone being abusive, harmful, or racist/sexist/ableist, stand up for the person being attacked if you can do so without putting yourself in danger as well. Otherwise, call whoever can help.  

Ask the question, “Why?” when someone tries to convince you that something is just how it is or how it’s always been. Challenge the status quo. Question authority.

And act! That’s the key to sacred rage: act for yourself and for others who need an ally or support. Dismantle old ideas and conditioned beliefs. Change the world, even if it’s just within your family or friend group. Positive change is a positive change, after all!

As you do, you’ll notice that your divine feminine steps forward more often and with a stronger presence. Your willpower to overcome your own challenges increases, and you’ll begin to transform into a formidable queen yourself.

And as always, YOU are the magick. You are more powerful than you may know. Stay safe and stay courageous, witches!

Megan W.

Posted on by Morgan Moss
Posted on by Morgan Moss