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Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse in Pisces – September 17, 2024

Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse in Pisces – September 17, 2024

It’s time to tap into your intuition, witches! The Super Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse in Pisces will stir things up and make you feel some intense emotions. But, with great sensitivity comes great intuition, so it’s ultimately for your greater good. Let’s dive in!

This Harvest Full Moon will include a partial Lunar Eclipse, meaning that part of the moon will be obscured from view, depending on your location. While some witches suggest not doing magick when there’s an eclipse, the witches here at IGC agree that an eclipse brings all the moon phases with it – so you can do any magick during that time. Of course, YOU are the magick, so do what works best for you!

This eclipse is the first in the Virgo-Pisces axis that will continue through February 2027! So, it can initiate big changes in your life in your Virgo and Pisces placements. Check your chart and journal about where you’re at now in those areas of your life. You can also set intentions for how the next few years will go for you in those areas.

Our next eclipse in this axis will be in March 2025, so if 2027 seems too far off, set some goals for the next six months. And yes, I realize I’m telling you to set goals and intentions with the Full Moon, but eclipses are a different vibe, so if it feels right, go with it!

This eclipse portal will have you taking a hard look at your needs, wants, and what’s lacking in your relationships. This can also include your relationships with work, habits, health, and magickal practice. Virgo will drive you to seek balance and order, while Pisces will encourage you to prioritize your intuition and creativity. So, this Full Moon may bring a burst of creativity!

As with all signs, Pisces is tied to several parts of the body, including the Pineal Gland. This is where the Third Eye Chakra resides, so this Piscean Full Moon will be the perfect time to nurture and use your Third Eye. Practice divination or meditation, or try a new practice, like automatic writing or scrying.

If the Full Moon tends to make you feel vulnerable or a little ungrounded, this Full Moon may really knock you off your routine. You may feel more passive and insecure during this phase, but that’s just Pisces talking! It’ll pass. Remember that you are worthy of love, friendship, support, good food, good sex, a great job, and all the puppy or kitty kisses you want. It’s ok if this Full Moon makes you want to bury yourself in blankets on the couch. Give yourself that time and space to process things.

This Full Moon will also be aligned with Neptune and square Jupiter, bringing a little more extravagant vibe to the week. Your social media scroll may make you feel a little extra FOMO this week. Just don’t go on too big of a shopping spree (wink, wink). A beautiful harmony with Uranus will also help you embrace change and progress. So, if you’re going through big shifts, remember that the Universe is on your side.

Here’s what to expect from this Full Moon based on your Sun/Rising Signs.

Full Moon in Pisces Horoscopes

Aries: With Mars, your ruling planet, in Cancer, your focus is on your home and personal life. Pay attention to your dreams around the Full Moon – they’ll be more vivid than usual and may hold insights for you!

Taurus: Have you been searching for some new friends or a networking group? Now’s the time to jump in and get involved in groups that can support you and your career and personal goals. You may also see your friendships in a new light. Make adjustments as needed.

Gemini: Work-life balance will be a big deal for you this month. You’ll also be navigating some shifts in how you respond to authority and how you step into your own authority. It’s time to take charge of your life!

Cancer: Step out of your comfort zone! Mars is currently in your sign, so you should feel more assertive and adventurous. Try something new, mentor someone at what you’re great at, or go on a staycation experience.

Leo: It’s time to break free, Leo! If there’s a toxic pattern or relationship in your life, it’s time to end it. Your communication skills will be at a peak, though, so you can cut ties as needed with a lot of grace. Your social life is about to take off, too, so make space for those new people!

Virgo: Your one-on-one relationships will be incredibly emotionally charged during this Full Moon. Whether those relationships are romantic, professional, or friendly, be on the lookout for how those relationships affect how you value yourself.

Libra: The Full Moon will remind you to balance your self-care and daily routines. You’ve let something slip recently, and switching things up in your routine will help you return to your highly valued balance.

Scorpio: This Full Moon will affect your self-expression and romantic life. Are you expressing yourself and sharing your creativity with the authenticity you crave? If not, it’s time to refocus on how you communicate these parts of yourself.

Sagittarius: Emotional healing is yours, Sagittarius. The Full Moon’s vibes will help you find some inner peace. In the process, you may have some old memories resurfacing, so be prepared for some shadow work over the next couple of weeks to find that inner healing.

Capricorn: Satisfy your curiosity by finally taking that class you’ve been thinking about, Capricorn. You’ll feel the drive to soak up as much knowledge as possible with this Full Moon, so make sure you’re doing it in a fun way!

Aquarius: Ok, go-getter! You’re feeling the urge to invest more of your time and energy into your work projects. This Full Moon will bring abundance and self-worth if you focus your heightened energy on projects that align with your values.

Pisces: Focus on your self-worth during this Full Moon. You may experience a significant shift in a part of your life that will call out your insecurities. Remember who you are – a magickal and powerful being.

Happy Full Moon, witches!
Megan W.

Posted on by Morgan Moss
Posted on by Morgan Moss