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How to Get Your Witchy Groove Back

How to Get Your Witchy Groove Back

If you're feeling like your witchy groove has taken a nosedive, you're not the only one. The spooky season is upon us, and it's the perfect time to get back into the swing of things. But how do you beat the witchy blahs when you're just not feeling it?

This week's podcast episode of Busy, Gritty, Inked, and Witchy contains six transformative tips to help you get your witchy vibe back on track.

  1. Feel the Funk- First and foremost, if you're in a witchy funk, feel the funk. Don't bypass your emotions by faking it till you make it. Sit in the funk, ask yourself why you're feeling this way, and give yourself compassion. Whether it's crying, screaming, or punching a pillow, let those emotions flow. Identify what aspects of your practice bring you joy and what feels like an obligation. This self-reflection will help you understand the root cause of your funk and how to move forward.
  2. Revamp and Rearrange- Sometimes, all you need is a change of scenery. Revamp your altar, rearrange your sacred space, or add something new. Even small changes can breathe new life into your practice. If money is tight, look around your house for items you can repurpose. A new tarot deck or a fresh altar cloth can also reignite your passion for Witchcraft.
  3. Honest Self-Reflection-Take an honest look at your practice. Are you still the same witch you used to be, or are you fighting change? Sometimes, a significant shift in your practice is necessary. Release any shame or guilt you might have about changing your path. Embrace what makes you feel alive, whether it's exploring new types of magick or diving into shadow work.
  4. Create a Witchy Atmosphere- Music and incense can be powerful tools to shift your mood. Create playlists that resonate with different aspects of your personality and use incense to set the external atmosphere. Combining these elements can instantly put you in a witchy state of mind. Podcasts and YouTube videos can also provide inspiration, but be mindful not to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others.
  5. Try Something New- Engage in a new witchy subject or practice. Whether it's learning about a new form of divination or exploring a different type of magick, new knowledge can reignite your passion. Dive into books, YouTube channels, or online courses to expand your horizons.
  6. Witchy Fiction and Movies- Sometimes, a little escapism is all you need. Read witchy fiction or watch your favorite witchy movies and TV shows. Whether it's the classic "The Craft" or the charming "Good Witch" series, these stories can remind you of the magick within you.They can inspire you to get back into your practice with renewed enthusiasm.

Bonus Tip: Surround Yourself with Witchy People- Surround yourself with witchy people you respect and admire. Join online covens or local witchy groups to share experiences and gain inspiration. The Inked Spirit Coven, for example, offers a supportive community where you can learn and grow together. So, if you're feeling in a witchy funk, try these tips to reignite your magickal practice. Remember, even after 25 years, I still experience funks, and that's okay. The key is to navigate through them with compassion and curiosity. Happy witching!


Posted on by Megan Winkler
Posted on by Megan Winkler