Full Moon in Capricorn – July 21, 2024

This month, we have a rare second Full Moon in Capricorn! However, just because both Full Moons have been in the same sign doesn’t mean they’re here to do the same thing. While the Full Moon in Capricorn in June was about hard work, tenacity, and courage, this Full Moon is focused on bringing uncomfortable truths to light. It also brings opportunities for deeper lessons so that we can understand and release repetitive cycles in which we consistently find ourselves caught up.
This Full Moon is in the 4th house, highlighting the home. But this extends to all places you might call “home” – your city, state, country, culture, traditions, and even nature. If you’ve recently gotten caught up in the world's craziness, take some time during the Full Moon to reconnect with something from your family or culture. Get in the kitchen to cook a favorite family recipe or attend a local festival or show.
Be on the lookout for upheaval at home. Something surprising might happen, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. With Pluto in the 4th house as well, you might experience a little bit of tension in relationships. Treat this Full Moon like you’d treat Mercury Retrograde – take some time before you speak and listen carefully to others. Pluto is just showing you where things need to shift at this time of your life. Don’t make any quick decisions, but it’s also a good idea not to ignore what’s being revealed.
We may be in for a big reveal as a society or individuals! This Full Moon is pulling the curtain back and shedding light on what’s hidden. Because of this, it’s a good time for some shadow work – the Moon will help you understand your motivations for the different aspects of your life.
Mercury and Venus are both in the sign of Leo with this Full Moon – and we’re about to move into Leo Season on July 22 – so you may feel the urge to be bold in your communication and love life. Have you been pining for someone’s attention lately or wanting to rekindle things with your current lover? Now’s the time to do something unexpected and create a spark!
Neptune and Saturn are both in Pisces during this Full Moon, bringing the urge to be intentional about your magickal practice and personal growth. Saturn may be encouraging you to connect with your Higher Self, too. So, big things are happening!
Here’s what’s in store for each Sun and Rising Sign:
Aries: Resist the urge to fix problems immediately. Give yourself time for reflection, as some old wounds might open up during this Full Moon.
Taurus: The Full Moon will challenge your values and notions of how things “should” be. Breathe and don’t rush yourself as you reevaluate what’s important.
Gemini: It’s time to love and let go of that thing you’ve been struggling with Gemini. This release will lead to more freedom and happiness for you, whether it’s a change in your job, a relationship, or where you live.
Cancer: Relationship challenges from the past month may be coming to a head during this Full Moon. Remember, the universe works in your favor.
Leo: It’s ALMOST your season, Leo, so you may be feeling the energy already. Use this Full Moon and following Waning phases to release your bad habits and keep the good ones – so you can continue to have fun!
Virgo: This Full Moon is reminding you of your passions. You’ve been really focused on the details and minutiae of day-to-day. Now is the time to do something for yourself. Be on the lookout for drama in your romance, too. You’ve got this!
Libra: Your emotions will be heightened during this Full Moon and may leave you feeling off-kilter as you try to balance things out. If you’ve been holding onto something that doesn’t serve you, let it go, and you’ll see that balance return.
Scorpio: Time to let some emotions out, Scorpio, no matter how much you’d rather not. Hold yourself accountable during this time and stay open to the possibility of letting go of less-supportive assumptions about others.
Sagittarius: Your self-esteem will get a big boost from the Full Moon, as it brings more awareness of how cool you really are.
Capricorn: Full Moon number two in your sign this year has you feeling a little more vulnerable and emotional than you may like. Rather than focusing on what you can’t control, look at what you can influence in your life and community.
Aquarius: If it’s been a while since you’ve hung out with your favorite people, now’s perfect for some quality time together. Any confusion you have about your next steps in life or at work will become clearer as you slow down and do some shadow work.
Pisces: You’re not behind. In fact, you’re right on schedule. Your idealism is fueling something great – even if it’s just in the background. Be sure to connect with valuable partners at work, too. They’ll support you on your journey!
Happy Full Moon, witches!
Megan W.