Summer Solstice Altar Cloth for Lively Summer Magick

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Prepare your altar to bring lively, abundant energy into your life with the Summer Solstice Altar Set or Altar Cloth, exclusive to Inked Goddess Creations.

Summer Solstice (June 20th) marks the first day of summer, known as Summer Solstice, Litha, or Midsummer. Summer Solstice is the perfect time of year to ignite your inner flame, find what you are passionate about, and honor the life-giving sun (represents the God). This Summer Solstice Altar Set can help add fire and lively energy to your altar space.

This altar cloth is exclusive to Inked Goddess Creations!

~Summer Solstice Altar Cloth, 12" square, designed by Morgan, owner of Inked Goddess Creations, depicting fiery, lively energy of the Summer Solstice, complete with Stonehenge as the center-point!

Each order is for 1 altar cloth.

Other items in the picture are for size reference only and are not included with the purchase.

Metaphysical properties of Inked Goddess Creations products are not guaranteed; I supply the tools, you supply the magick. Products should not be used in place of proper professional advice or treatment. If skin irritation occurs with body products, discontinue use immediately. Never leave a burning candle unattended. Internal use of herbs is not recommended, especially without having first consulted your doctor or a certified herbalist.

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Nicely detailed

Have a a gift. The receiver loved it.

T R.

Such a fun, sunny, bright cloth to put you in the right mood for blessings!

Heather H.
Beautiful Litha altar cloth

This altar cloth is perfect- I love the colors, the imagery, and the soft silky feel.

LeeAnn D.
Love these clothes.

I am so glad that I made the decision to add these altar clothes to my rituals. They are well made and beautiful. I hope that Inked Goddess will continue the year.

Lauren V.

This altar cloth was so perfect. Sunflowers are my favorite so I had to order it of course. I'm only upset I didn't get the entire set because I was too slow. My mom also ended up getting it for my birthday so now we both have one. She's framing hers.

Kathy C.
Altar Cloth

I love all of the cloths I have collected so far. I plan on getting all of them as they come in. The quality is very good and it has a soft feel to it. They look great on my altar.