Unhealthy Things to Release in Witchcraft

There’s always a new account on WitchTok discussing the do’s and don’ts of witchcraft. Some of these tips are good, but some aren’t our cup of tea. So, when it comes to things not to do in witchcraft—or what you should let go of—we think the stuff worth releasing helps us to be healthier, happier people in all parts of our lives. So, here are some unhealthy things we think you should release in your practice.
Release Others’ Opinions
Look, we’re not all Wiccans and we don’t all believe in the rule of three. We don’t all work with deities. Some witches are even Christian witches. The thing we’ve got to remember in our practice—and the thing I hope you always remember—is that the weight of other people’s opinions is way too heavy to carry around.
If you’re not out of the broom closet just yet, it can feel scary to come forward in your magickal power. However, you should feel safe and like you aren’t doing something “wrong” when practicing in the privacy of your own home and sacred space.
Do some research on your own, here on the Inked Grimoire Blog, or by listening to Morgan’s podcast, Busy, Gritty, Inked & Witchy, for trustworthy content. Then, follow your heart and intuition.
Release How Other People Practice
This one goes along with the previous point. How other people practice is none of our business. Unless you’re joining in a ritual as a guest, you can practice the way you want to. When I’m invited into a coven circle as a guest, I silently modify the words if I feel prompted to, but otherwise, I think of myself as more of an observer in the situation. Not everything is going to resonate with me if I’m visiting a ritual outside my practice. It’s okay to do that.
Release Your Complaints
Look, a patron or matron deity is not going to want to hear your complaints all the time. Your soul doesn’t want to hear them, either. If you complain or judge others for their practice and beliefs, now’s the time to stop that. Both actions put you into a negative mind state. This negativity causes us to focus on the wrong things in life, rather than the good.
As part of a larger practice with the Law of Attraction, your complaints and judgment mean you’ll notice the bad stuff, focus on the bad stuff, and decide that your life and practice are bad…because that’s all you see!
When you’re tempted to complain about something or judge someone in their practice, listen to that negative voice in your head. What does it really want you to know, and what emotions are you perhaps stifling? You might be surprised by what you find out!
Finally, release the way it “should” be. There are rules to many different practices, and I’ll always tell you that you shouldn’t dabble in practices from closed religions or modalities. However, when we get so caught up in the judgy “shoulding” on ourselves, we really stunt our magickal progress and process.
Allow the magick to flow out of you and within you, witches! After all, YOU are the magick!
Stay magickal,
Megan W.