The Inked Grimoire
Gathering Herbs: A Celestial Guide
Over the past few weeks I've been sharing these infographics on how to get the most of your magickal plant harvest. Here they are all together in one easy-to-reference guide! -
Have You Tried Lucid Dreaming? Here’s How To Start
Have you ever tried to have a lucid dream? We've got tips and tricks to help you learn how to do it, or how to make your lucid dreams even stronger. -
Embracing Magick with Colour Correspondences in the Summer
Colour correspondences are a brilliant way to connect with the myriad of magickal energies that burst to life under summer’s sunshine. -
Tap into Summer Solstice’s Fiery Energy for Motivation, Positivity, and Love
Long, hot, sultry summer days are upon us, and June is prime time to practice fire magick. Whether you’re seeking extra motivation, want to banish negativity, or just indulge your more sensual side, fire energy boosts passionate spellwork. -
Introducing Your Kids to Magickal Practice
While it might feel intimidating to introduce your children to the magick you practice, it can also be a beautiful time to bond with them and introduce them to the beliefs that support your everyday life. -
4 Types of Magick to Practice at Beltane
Beltane ushers in the active part of the year and is celebrated from sunset on April 30th to sunset on May 1st. During this magickal time, earth energies are strong, and the world seems to be bursting with fertility energy and renewal.
5 Unusual Ways to Use Your Crystals
Working with crystals is a creative and endless practice. Try some of these unusual uses for crystals to offer added protection, abundance, and inspiration to your home. -
The Magick of Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions
Simple steps to help you achieve your goals this new year!! -
Roots- A Journey for 2019
In this day and age, with things moving at the speed of light, we get caught up in things that don't resonate with our highest energy. In 2019, Inked Goddess Creations is getting back to its Roots. -
Thanking The Land- Pagans & Thanksgiving
A pagan's perspective on how to celebrate Thanksgiving with gratitude, honoring the Earth element, and respecting the history and lore of the land around you. -
Hecate – The Liminal Goddess
November 16th is Hecate's Night, so read all about Hecate's origins, correspondences, and how to work with this amazing Goddess of the Night. -
Samhain- A Connection to the Past
A good way to get into the headspace of Samhain is to imagine what it was like to live off the land before all the modern conveniences.