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New Moon with Solar Eclipse in Libra – October 2, 2024

New Moon with Solar Eclipse in Libra – October 2, 2024

Welcome to a new month and new beginnings with the New Moon in Libra with Solar Eclipse. This New Moon will have you focusing on partnerships and public relations, and financial success. New people at work or in your personal life will help bring balance back to situations where it’s been lacking - and maybe you are the new person! No matter what situation you find yourself in this month, Libra’s diplomatic nature will help guide you if you tune into its energy.

Libra is typically a happy sign and while some folks with significant Libra placements may have a hot temper, it’s quite rare. However, Libra always seeks justice, so if you find yourself annoyed more than usual by rude people during this New Moon, that’s probably why! You may feel yourself drawn to take up a cause that’s important to you. Venus-ruled Libra is also focused on love and relationships, so be sure to nurture yours this month while the Moon is in this sign.

Speaking of Venus, the planet will be in Scorpio during this New Moon. When Venus is in Scorpio, there’s a focus on the power of love. Whether that’s used for positive or negative objectives is up to you. With Venus here in Scorpio, and since it rules Libra, this New Moon is a great time to set intentions for your love life, relationships, or family. Maybe even perform a little sex magick!

Mars is still in Cancer so if you’ve felt moody or overly emotional, that’s likely to continue. It's not necessarily a bad thing, though. The tension between the fast-acting Mars and the slower, more emotional Cancer reminds us that we’re dynamic beings. We can be both ambitious and in tune with our emotions. Give yourself some compassion.

Now is a great time to be of service to yourself and others.

Remember that eclipses can cause big shake-ups in your life and magick. Take this into consideration as you set intentions and perform your spells at the New Moon.

Here’s what’s in store for you based on your Sun and Rising Signs.

New Moon in Libra Horoscopes

Aries: Over the next six months, expect more ease in your relationships. Your partnerships, relationships, and business relationships will yield good results. So pour your energy into these areas of your life, and you’ll see prosperity come your way.

Taurus: This New Moon brings positive change to your finances and home. It’s time to finalize any business plans, the book you’ve been writing, or the application for a new job you’ve been considering submitting. What you put into action right now will flow over the next six months.

Gemini: During this period, you’ll feel lighter about your life. With Jupiter in your sign, you can grow and expand in the directions you desire. You’ll also be able to kiss some of your anxiety goodbye and enjoy some optimism about your current situation and self-worth.

Cancer: Have you been carrying a burden around for a long time? It’s time to release that and accept yourself for who you are. Let go of any self-pressure and express yourself during this New Moon.

Leo: You may feel super restless during this New Moon. Channel that energy into travel or a new skill. Anything that’s made you feel isolated will fall away during this New Moon.

Virgo: Get ready for an epiphany in your life purpose – and perhaps your career! This is the best time to apply for a new position or to start your side gig. Got a passion project you’ve been holding off on? Now’s the time to make it happen while the planets support you.

Libra: This is your eclipse and New Moon! The next six months are going to bring you ease in your relationships. Also, don’t let anyone dissuade you from your path. Now, through early November, you’ll encounter a bunch of naysayers. Stay on the path that you know in your heart is true for you.

Scorpio: You may gain acceptance around an ongoing challenge that you haven’t been able to solve or evade. Your motto during this New Moon should be “It is what it is.” This will allow you to free your energy and move on with your life. Once you accept that some things can’t change, you’ll be led to find a solution to it!

Sagittarius: Your confidence is BACK, baby! Detach from what’s happened in the past and move on with your path. The goals you’ve been working on are working out for you. Keep going!

Capricorn: Lots of multitasking is coming your way this New Moon – you’re doing a great job at anything you’re working toward. Commitments in your personal life may also feel a bit like work with everything you’ve got going on. Remember your boundaries, and don’t take on everything at once.

Aquarius: Are you feeling a new desire for self-development and spirituality? Anything that allows you to tap into your inner voice is a good investment of your energy right now. You can create real financial security for yourself during this time, so pay attention to your intuition and guides – especially during spiritual practices like meditation, yoga, and creative pursuits.

Pisces: Pitch your ideas or new product to new people now. Launch a new offering or approach your boss with a fresh idea for better efficiency or sales. This New Moon supports business ventures, and your natural empathy will draw others to you to get your plan rolling.

Happy New Moon, witches!
Megan W. 

Posted on by Morgan Moss