New Moon in Virgo – September 2, 2024

Take a deep breath with me, witches. We’re firmly in Virgo season now with our New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd, 2024. We’ve had our brat girl summer and are ready to get back to business, best practices, and being more mindful. With Virgo’s intense and analytical energy and mutable nature, we’re ready to start fresh in this lunar cycle while a lot of other things are going on in the sky. To understand how this New Moon will affect us, we need to look at a few other key dates in September.
Uranus Retrograde
Uranus goes retrograde on September 1 as Pluto temporarily shifts into Capricorn from Aquarius. Uranus will be retrograde in Taurus, meaning that all our Venusian concerns will be highlighted (Venus rules Taurus).
Remember that retrogrades aren’t anything to fear. What they are is a time to rethink, renew, and review certain parts of our lives. In this case, we’re starting the month by reviewing emotional aspects of our lives, relationships, harmony, and material possessions. This will be felt individually and collectively, so get ready for some critical pivots in these areas.
Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto will be in Capricorn September 1 until November 19th, which means we’ve got another round of restructuring and transformation, especially regarding rules, government, and authority. And as you’ve probably noticed, the Capricorn period for Pluto will overlap Election Day.
New Moon in Virgo
Our New Moon in Virgo will bring a very grounding vibe the next day September 2. This mutable earth sign means it’s open to change and new opportunities, but our safety will really be found in the familiar. Virgo strives for clarity, order, and harmony in all parts of life, including emotions. You may feel a deep desire to organize everything around you – including your friends!
Virgo can also bring a heap of perfectionist vibes. Instead of struggling for perfection, look for ways to improve your habits or revamp your routines to be more efficient. There are few things that Virgo loves more than efficiency, after all!
So, to review until now, we’ve got our emotions, relationships, and attitudes toward material possessions in review, a restructuring of authority, and a refinement toward more efficiency happening from September 1 through September 2.
Venus Conjunct Lilith
On the 4th, Venus is in conjunction with Lilith, and Mars moves into Cancer, as the latter prepares to enter its shadow period before its retrograde in Leo in December.
Venus conjunct Lilith means we will experience a strong wave of the feminine, especially some of her darker aspects. So, if you’ve been leaning into your sacred rage, dark feminine, or exploring the dark goddesses, you’re already in the vibe. There will be some destruction with Lilith, but just like fire, this destruction can also be creative. Pay close attention to what is falling apart in your personal life, and remember that rebirth is not just possible; it’s coming.
Mars in Cancer
With Mars in Cancer, be sure to pay attention to what’s happening right now. The planet will be back in Cancer before going direct in February 2025. Since Mars is the warrior planet, and these key dates are happening in emotional and watery Cancer, tap into your courage, determination, and assertiveness around the things that are emotionally important to you and social justice issues that matter to you. So, as you set intentions for this New Moon, include short and longer-term goals for your inner warrior to focus on as well.
Fresh off Mercury Retrograde, we’re still in the post-shadow period, so communication can be a little wonky during the first weeks of September. Virgo energy can sometimes be biting and overly critical, so watch what you say and how you say it, especially if you’re fiery. You could say something that hurts someone’s feelings without meaning to.
Okay, that was a lot! Let’s home in on what you can expect during this New Moon based on your Sun and Rising signs.
Aries: Keep yourself out of trouble and embrace some sensitivity with this New Moon. Look to your family and friends for support and love during this time. This will help once Mars moves into Cancer mid-month, which may be draining for you.
Taurus: You’re full of new ideas this month, Taurus! It’s your time to shine. Take those ideas, set some intentions for action, and get shit done. You may do very well with academic pursuits or in the technology sector.
Gemini: “Show me the money!” is your mantra for the New Moon, Gemini. This is your time to keep pushing forward in your ambitions. It’s a good time to ask for a raise, too. Just be mindful of your words during the first half of the month. No need to piss anyone off in the process of going after what you want.
Cancer: Get ready for a burst of activity as Mars enters your sign on the 4th. You’re going to feel inspired to get things done and maybe even change the world a bit. Connect to your body and seek balance between your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies.
Leo: Abundance is yours, Leo. Lean into Virgo’s organizing energy to focus on getting your financial “house” in order. Take care of looming deadlines, late invoices, or anything that needs resolution in your financial life.
Virgo: Oh hey, Virgo, looking very mindful, very cutesy. Use this New Moon to plant seeds for your future success and relationships. You’re feeling exceptionally clear about what you want from life and what you absolutely do not want. Focus on perfecting your strategies around achieving your goals.
Libra: You may be feeling the urge to rebalance your relationships and rethink what you want from them. This is ok and a sign that you’re in your element as a Libra. Speak your truth as you make necessary changes, especially if they’re long overdue. These changes can be in your personal or professional life, by the way!
Scorpio: The past couple of months have been trying, but clarity comes with this New Moon. All the hard work you’ve been putting in is about to pay off. Drop your preconceived notions about how things “should” be in your work and embrace what is to give your goals a power boost.
Sagittarius: Ch-ch-ch-changes! New people are coming into your life who will inspire and activate you, especially in your career. If you’ve just launched a new offering or started a new project at work, prepare for it to soar. Be sure to pace yourself, though, and the communication heads-up goes for you, too – don’t be too quick to criticize others or yourself.
Capricorn: Things are looking up for you, Capricorn. Find ways to exercise your flexibility in your work life to improve your home life. Virgo energy will bring you new ideas, creativity, and energy to execute your goals, so lean into it. With Pluto back in your sign for the last time, what can you release and leave behind? What can you conclude before mid-November?
Aquarius: The fog you may have experienced lately in your relationships is lifting and clearing. Get ready to feel closer to your loved ones than before. Now’s a great time to have those hard conversations with your partner about finances and plans for the future.
Pisces: Virgo is your sister sign, bringing some levity to your imagination, which is great! Someone may depart from your life, but someone else will come into your orbit soon. This new person is meant to bring gifts of inspiration and energy to your life. As you move through the month, be sure to remember your boundaries, especially when someone says something harsh to you.
Happy New Moon, witches!
Megan W.