New Moon in Scorpio- October 25, 2022

On October 25th, the New Moon in Scorpio arrives and is accompanied by a partial solar eclipse, ushering in powerful energy for all. Scorpio's energy is already emotionally intense and when paired with the turbulence of a partial solar eclipse, change and transformation are almost inevitable. The key is to open yourself, deep breathe, and go with the flow of the transformations coming your way, which could be spiritual, physical, or emotional in nature. Trust that what is happening is for your highest good, and that you are letting go of things that are no longer working for you so that better things can enter your life.
As this is the last New Moon before Samhain, which many witches honor as the Witches' New Year, now is a great time to focus on what you'd like to spiritually or magickally accomplish in the year ahead. Spend some time meditating or convening with your higher self or your deities to receive messages about the direction of your life path. Remain open to the advice given and to messages you may receive over the coming weeks. Synchronicities that occur could point you in a new direction for your life.
The overall message for this New Moon in Scorpio is to remember that for every ending, a new beginning also occurs. There is a lot of cleansing and purging happening with this New Moon, especially in the case of toxic relationships and environments, or even when limiting beliefs are holding you back. Tap into your inner strength and visualize how you want your life to be, as having this clear picture for yourself will help you navigate the changes coming up.
Love and Light,