New Moon in Scorpio – November 1, 2024

Let’s get spooky, witches! The Scorpio New Moon is the perfect time to indulge in your witchiest side, cast spells for the next six months, and go deep into your shadow work, since this New Moon will boost your intuition and desires. Along with the other planets in the Solar System, we’re practically guaranteed some enhanced emotions, but as I heard recently from a sister astrologer, astrology is like the weather – you get to decide how you interact with it. So, with that in mind, let’s dive in.
One of the most important things to remember about our Moon is that we can work with its energy about three days before and three days after the phase. This year, Samhain falls within that three-day pre-New Moon window. So, you’re already feeling the darker vibes of the season around you when the Moon moves into its Dark Moon and then New Moon phases.
The New Moon in Scorpio encourages us to dive into our feelings and get vulnerable with ourselves. It can also mean that you feel a little “grudgey” during this time, remembering negative things people have done to you. We don’t live in the past, though, so pause and recenter when you feel the urge to bring up the past with yourself or others. Be kind to yourself and do what you can to move on from them. (Obviously, this is on a case-by-case basis, and I’m talking about more minor offenses, not something like abuse or neglect.)
Scorpio pushes our emotions to the extreme, and with both the Sun and Moon in this sign right now, you may feel yourself moving quickly between love and hate, hot and cold. Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 2nd, making your communication bolder and more direct. I don’t have to tell you that this creates a pretty volatile combination, so you might find yourself biting your tongue a bit right now. Just get to a place where you can scream a string of your favorite curse words out, so your Throat Chakra doesn’t get clogged up!
Mars moves into Leo on November 3rd, which is fantastic, as it will bring a creative burst to your day-to-day life and career. You’ll feel Leo's passion and may also feel a little sensitive. The combination of Mars and Leo means that your ego can easily take hits. Remember that other people’s truths are their truths, not THE truth.
Overall, this New Moon encourages us to embrace life and spirituality's birth/death/rebirth cycle. Set your intentions wide for the next six months, and be sure to include intentions and goals for your personal development, magickal practice, and intuition.
Horoscopes for New Moon in Scorpio
Aries: Your emotions may be high around your finances and energetics, but so is your creative energy. Consider intentions for your abundance and career this month.
Taurus: Some new commitments may land in your lap (or inbox) around the New Moon. Ask meaningful questions about the situations so you know what’s in store for you and how best to deal with them.
Gemini: Feeling a little burnt out, Gemini? This New Moon brings the opportunity to regroup and refocus on a healthier routine. This may also involve beginning a search for different living arrangements.
Cancer: Spice things up, Cancer. You could be in search of “the one,” or maybe you’re in the mood for a fling. Right now is a great time for sex magick. Set your intentions toward enjoyment this New Moon – for now and the future!
Leo: The Scorpio Sun and Moon may bring some skeletons in your closet back to “life,” and if that happens, it’s ok! It could be a new family story you’ve never heard of or gasp! an old “scandal” from your great-grandparents that looks pretty tame in the modern world.
Virgo: A new door is opening for you in your magickal life. Perhaps it’s in the form of a card reading or from a conversation you’ve had with a new friend. Look out for synchronicities in your practice, too.
Libra: Have big changes recently been intruding on your life? Maybe you’re caught up in all the election season madness (aren’t we all?!). Set intentions for stability and consistency for the next six months, Libra. Sometimes, you’re the most stable aspect of your life.
Scorpio: This is your New Moon! Take some power back by being genuine and authentic with yourself. Connect with others who share your deep desire to discuss more than just the weather. This month is a great time for spiritual and personal growth.
Sagittarius: If you’re one of those witches who always put themselves last, it’s time to change that. Your emotional, mental, and physical well-being is of the utmost importance to your happiness and health. Start putting yourself first (even if it makes you feel like a bitch – it’s worth it!).
Capricorn: Lean on your friends and networking partners this month, Capricorn. If you have a team that works for you, allow them to show up in their strengths. This is a great time to set intentions for community and collaboration.
Aquarius: You’ve got a serious milestone coming up, so be on the lookout for amazing opportunities that will accelerate your growth and abundance. In your personal life, have fun with the dark, weird Scorpio vibes too. Get weird, go bold, and don’t let judgy bitches get you down!
Pisces: This New Moon will push your limits, but in a positive, productive, and ambitious way. Serendipity and synchronicity are your friends this month, so be open to new ideas and potential long-term pathways to success.
Happy New Moon, witches!
Megan W.