New Moon in Sagittarius – November 30/December 1, 2024

Arriving on the cusp of December, the New Moon in Sagittarius will feel like a breath of fresh air. We’ll reach the phase right around 1 am Eastern/10 pm Pacific, and like the sign it falls within, this New Moon will bring a little bit of chaos magick to our lives, but in a really good way!
Mercury has already started its retrograde as of November 26th, so approach this New Moon, your intentions, and communication with the acknowledgment that things may take a little longer than you’d like. Thankfully, Sagittarius’s hopeful, adventurous outlook will carry you through any annoyances that may pop up.
As with all New Moons, this one is the start of new emotional cycles, and the good news is that Sagittarius is an optimistic sign! Scorpio season was about shadow work, introspection, and discovering the “why” behind events. Now, Sagittarius is here to help us leave the painful parts behind and move forward in wisdom and renewed energy.
Despite this busy season, be sure to spend at least a few minutes writing down your intentions. Get super clear on what they are, and remember, when it comes to manifestation, you can never get too specific! These intentions will begin to materialize over the next six months and you’ll feel stronger and more creative than ever.
This New Moon brings hope as you co-create with the universe, and I think we’re all ready for it!
Here’s your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes for the New Moon in Sagittarius:
Aries: This is the perfect time to set goals for spiritual growth, muggle education pursuits, and travel. If you’ve been working on a project recently and it’s not coming together, pause and rework something so you’ve got a solid plan to move ahead.
Taurus: Turn your attention to your financial goals, and work to resolve any personal conflict with your friends or family before Mars goes retrograde on December 6th. Things could get messy for you if you don’t, as Mars retrograde in Leo may bring more conflict than usual.
Gemini: Focus your intentions on cultivating meaningful relationships. As we begin another 6-month cycle, you’ll encounter new people and opportunities. Make sure your energy around them is supportive and you’ll find the right people who resonate with you.
Cancer: Take this New Moon as a sign to solidify your goals because the next 6 months may have you questioning why you’re pursuing them. The Full Moon in Gemini in mid-December will help put some of your concerns to bed, so focus on what matters most in the next couple of weeks.
Leo: It’s time to indulge the senses and expect the unexpected. Keep an eye out for emotionally and spiritually fulfilling opportunities over the next few months – they’ll lead you to new experiences you’ve never encountered before!
Virgo: Set intentions around how you spend your time. The past few weeks may have upset the balance between work and life obligations, but now’s your time for a reset. Prioritize what’s important and release the need to do all the things, all the time.
Libra: Your interactions and communication skills, particularly in writing, will take center stage for you over the next 6-month cycle. You may find yourself in intense debates, deep conversations, or writing the book you’ve been putting off. Remember to rely on those communication skills when Mars goes retrograde on December 6th as there will be more tension in the air.
Scorpio: This lunation is a great time for you to set financial goals. You may be tempted to make some indulgent purchases around the New Moon, which you can do, but remember that time is on your side, and you don’t have to jump in all at once. Setting intentions around your budgeting this month is also a good idea.
Sagittarius: This is your New Moon! If you’ve been struggling with close connections (family or friends) lately and know that the relationship is one-sided, it’s time to let them go. As you do, you will align yourself more with your true self and open up to more aligned, positive people to enter your life.
Capricorn: It’s time to focus your motivation and dedication on your mental health and emotional health this New Moon. While you may be tempted to set intentions for your work and career, focus more on yourself during this phase. Don’t be afraid to adjust your habits, attitude, and lifestyle to align with these new goals, and rely on your trusted loved ones to help you through.
Aquarius: New friendships are heading your way after this New Moon, so use this time to set intentions around what you want those friendships to be like and who you’d like to attract. You’ll be particularly magnetic this month, so tune into your intuition before accepting new people into your circle.
Pisces: You’ve been working so hard, Pisces! All that work is going to start paying off. Over the next 6 months, you’ll have the chance to really show up in your authenticity and make great strides in your career and personal life. Mars in retrograde may mess with your motivation a little bit, but remember the intentions you set at this New Moon, and you’ll achieve your goals.
Happy New Moon, witches!
Megan W.