New Black Moon in Capricorn – December 30, 2024

This year is going out with a bang and ushering in a transformational 2025 with a Black New Moon on December 30th. A Black New Moon is the equivalent of a Blue Full Moon – there are two of the same phases in a month. This Black New Moon is powerful and full of potential when it comes to your manifestations. As with all New Moons, the Black Moon is also a new beginning and this energy will carry us into the new year with clearly defined energies, thanks to Capricorn’s organized energy.
If you have significant Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius, or Pisces placements in your chart, pay close attention to those. You may feel a ton of extra energy in those parts of your life. Of course, with the sun and moon in Capricorn, you may feel the urge to control everything and work hard. The truth is, that 2025 is going to be a transformational year, but transformation can’t occur if you clamp down too hard on things and try to control everything. So, take a deep breath and try to go with the flow as you make last-minute arrangements for New Year’s Eve.
Capricorn is also extremely grounding, so channel this energy into setting practical intentions while also leaning into your imagination to manifest something truly amazing. Get super-specific on your intentions and long-term goals, as Capricorn’s energy works best when you’re clear.
The Black Moon is all about the empty, open space that creates the perfect place for creation, planting seeds, and manifestation. Use this time to ask yourself if your dreams and goals are rooted in realistic frameworks where you can take actionable steps toward them. Capricorn is NOT here for pie-in-the-sky dreams. Tap into where you’ve been avoiding responsibility in your life or work. Where have you been playing small and holding your authentic self back?
Here’s what to expect from this Black Moon based on your Sun and Rising signs:
Aries: The Black Moon will impact your 10th house of ambitions, career, and legacy. Set intentions and work your magick around what you want to manifest for the year ahead. Wrap up any projects that are still unfinished so you can hit the ground running when Mars stations direct at the end of February.
Taurus: Your core beliefs, especially as they affect a wider audience, are in full focus during the Black Moon. How can you serve others while also taking care of yourself? You may find the answer in a long-distance trip in 2025 or by going back to school to learn something new. The energy is expansive and only as limited as you want it to be.
Gemini: You’ve had some challenges to your core identity lately and with how others perceive you. You may feel the urge to change careers in 2025, to go where you feel respected and fulfilled. Your 8th house, the house of money, shared resources, and intimacy, will be impacted by the Black Moon, so many of your New Year’s resolutions (if you set them) will naturally be focused on these areas of your life and what you can release and refocus on here.
Cancer: Your relationships are hitting a turning point. You may feel more introverted for the next couple of weeks, and that’s ok. It will give you time to reassess who you allow in your circle and what you want from your relationships.
Leo: It’s time to shake things up! The Moon is affecting your 6th house, the house of work conditions, employee relationships, work tools, your health, and service to others. How are you spending your energy, and is it time to rethink your routines? (Spoiler alert: It’s time.) Make small changes, though, and you’ll set yourself up for a successful and supportive 2025.
Virgo: It’s time for some creativity! With your knack for order, organization, and hard work, how can you transform a creative endeavor into a side gig or business idea? Don’t jump in with an entire launch plan; instead, work on things behind the scenes and follow your intuition. Your creativity will thank you!
Libra: If your home life responsibilities have been too much, consider how well you’re taking care of yourself. You tend to care for others before you take care of yourself but remember; Libra is all about balance and harmony. In an effort to create domestic harmony, you may have thrown yourself out of balance. Set intentions for 2025 with a focus on balance in your daily habits so you can better support yourself.
Scorpio: Your communication style is coming into sharp focus with the Black Moon. Consider how your words are perceived and use the Moon’s energy to rethink how to best connect with the people around you. Lean into your creative urges and explore your intuitive hits even more over the next few weeks. And keep an eye out for negative self-talk. Replace those words with affirming ones.
Sagittarius: With the Black Moon in your 2nd house of finances, it’s time to renew your financial intentions before the New Year. More than career goals, your intentions about how you will be investing in yourself will yield the highest rate of return. Make sure you’re scheduling your doctor’s visits, self-care appointments, workouts, and downtime with more intention in 2025.
Capricorn: Wow, this is a powerful month for you, Capricorn! Not only have you had two New Moons, but Pluto is finally out of your sign after 16 years. Use the Black Moon to reflect on everything that’s happened since 2008, who you are now, and how your long-term goals have changed. It’s time to step into your authentic truth and use your voice.
Aquarius: The Black Moon is in your 12th house, the house of secrets and working behind the scenes. Use the next couple of weeks as a time for reflection. Allow your mind and heart to release what doesn’t support you so you can begin again as the Moon continues its journey into January and Pluto settles into your sign for a 20-year transformational experience.
Pisces: This Moon is perfect for setting your sights on the future. You’ve undergone some powerful shifts in your identity this year, and now you get to start a new year with this more refined version of yourself. Make an intention to get “out there” more and make new friends. The people you surround yourself with will support you through the year and beyond.
Happy New Year, witches!
Megan W.