Infusing Fun into Your Magickal Practice

You’ve probably heard Morgan say this before: If your practice isn’t fun, why are you doing it? Many of us come from religious upbringings that were boring at best and full of obligations that felt like giving away our power. Witchcraft opened up a fun new world of possibilities, opportunities, and a chance to do something on our own terms. Witchcraft should be fun, inspiring, and magickal.
If you’ve fallen into a rut, first of all, don’t beat yourself up about it. We all settle into routines, and it’s easy to go on autopilot, especially when we’ve got a lot on our plates. Here are some ways to bring joy and fun back into your practice.
Shake Things Up In Your Practice
Are there parts of your routine that no longer inspire and uplift you? If you’re on autopilot or you’ve found that your spells and intentions all sound the same – because they’re not working and you keep doing them over and over and over again – it’s time to change.
The truth is, you may not “just need more time” with the same practice. If your energy is lackluster, boring, or uninspired, then your magick will have those same qualities.
Maybe instead of trying to manifest the same thing at the New Moon each month, focus on something different and inspiring – something that makes you happy!
Other Ideas for Fun in Magick
Create collages in your Book of Shadows, try a new practice like candle magick, spell bags, or kitchen witchery. Get out of your comfort zone with your magick and learn about a brand new deity or tradition that you’ve been avoiding. By the way, you can learn all about closed practices without appropriating them. So indulge your curiosity. Even in magick, knowledge is power.
Don’t Judge It
Don’t judge your practice against other people’s videos on social media. Don’t let the word “should” dampen your passion for your magick. Practice how you want to practice – indoors, outdoors, dancing under the moon, safely setting a fire…whatever works best for you. Find something joyful in your day-to-day magick and focus on the joy it brings you. It’ll inspire you to even more happiness and fun!
Gemstones for Fun
Here are a few ideas for gemstones that help bring more fun into your life. Note: If your current favorite isn’t on this list, that’s ok! Our gemstones will call to us when we need them. This list will get you started, though.
- Citrine
- Carnelian
- Agate
- Emerald
- Rose Quartz
- Amazonite
Carry one of these stones with you to remind you of all the great things you’ve got in your life. They will also help support you as you pursue more fun!
Raising Your Vibe
Fun, playfulness, and happiness raise your overall vibration and help activate positive change in your life. Witchcraft should be fun, enriching, and empowering—all high-vibe characteristics!
Never forget that YOU are the magick!
Megan W.