Full Super Moon in Gemini- December 3, 2017

This December 3rd brings a very special lunar event! Because the moon will be closer to our planet (7 degrees larger than a normal full moon), it is considered a Super Moon. Full moons are always a good time for reflection, and being that this is the last full moon of this year, it's an especially powerful time for reviewing the past and how it has shaped us into who we are today. Gemini full moon is generally about wisdom, communication, and information.
If it seems like you can't get a good grip on your emotions, you have this Super Moon to thank for that! Feelings, thoughts, and experiences may seem more intense than usual. Of course, the holiday season already has quite a strong, sometimes hectic, affect on us. Making arrangements for everything from presents to family to food to finding a moment to take a breath can be overwhelming for anybody! One of the many things I enjoy about studying astrology is learning how I can work with the stars to achieve success in my daily life, no matter what my horoscope says! Astrology is a useful tool for finding out how our environment has an effect on each and every one of us, to help better our understanding of our own experience. Full moon in Gemini encourages us to do just that by making sure we have all the facts we need to achieve our goals for this year!
Also occurring on December 3rd until December 22nd, Mercury, planet of communication, enters a retrograde period in Sagittarius. A retrograde is when a planet looks like it's moving backwards from our view here on Earth. The planet doesn't actually move backwards, it only appears that way. Another planetary aspect of importance is the polar opposition between the full moon in Gemini and sun in Sagittarius. Sagittarius helps us to stay inspired by keeping an open mind and seeking out the truth in all things. The combination of all these events could create some indecisiveness, confusion or misunderstandings, so be extra patient and clear when communicating with others!
Every person deals with things differently, but my advice to make the most of this Super Moon is to plan ahead for success! Make appointments ahead of time and create lists to help you stay focused, anything to support you during this busy time! Competition and ego could get in the way of productiveness, which in the end only slows things down. Don't take out stress on others, instead take a second to slow down and find a solution that fits everyone's needs! Wait until you have all of the information before making decisions. Stay open and flexible, and if you need to express yourself, put your creative skills to use! Play music, find a new favorite book, or plan a short trip to clear your mind so you can stay present and truly enjoy the end of 2017!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!
-Juliana M. Fanucchi
Author Bio:
Juliana uses astrology to understand how the planets can affect us on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Raised as a Nichiren Buddhist, she studies other metaphysical interests like numerology, music, tarot, and gemstones. She received her 200 hour yoga certification in December 2016. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can follow her on Instagram- instagram.com/whooliana.