Full Moon in Virgo- March 7, 2023

The Full Moon in Virgo arrives on March 7th to usher in a time of healing and karmic endings. This Full Moon brings with it an energy of change, which doesn't need to be a scary thing. Understand that new beginnings are coming with the next New Moon in Aries on March 21st, so in order for there to be beginnings, something must end. The energy surrounding these endings is a healing energy and one of much-needed closure. You can't change things from your past, so this Full Moon is telling you that it's time to heal and move on with your life, as there is a new, exciting chapter waiting for you.
This Virgo Full Moon will also illuminate areas of imbalance in your life, especially in your work, career, and self-discipline. Where do you lack a routine or structure in any of these areas? Virgo energy is here to ground you into reality so that you can form a stable framework, system, or plan to help you accomplish your goals. Remember that Earth energy is the best for helping you stay disciplined, organized, and focused on achieving your goals.
Use this grounding Virgo energy to restore balance in your life. Check in with your mind, body, and soul to see what you are neglecting to nurture on a regular basis. By aligning these three energies within yourself, you can prepare yourself for greatness as opportunities present themselves to you starting later this month. Change is coming, but it's up to you to embrace it or fight it.