Full Moon in Virgo – February 24, 2024

Full Moon in Virgo – February 24, 2024

Welcome to the Full Moon in Virgo, witches! This Full Moon is all about feeling capable, questioning systems, and gaining insight into what you need in your life to be healthier and happier. This is our last Full Moon before Eclipse Season, so its energy is strong and pure. 

Virgo encourages us to purge the things that don’t serve us. As the symbol of strength, wellness, and independence, Virgo reminds us to listen within and embrace the call to do the work that we’ve been put on this earth to do. As a reminder, that purposeful work may be different than the work you do to pay your bills. Of the zodiac signs, Virgo understands this necessity more than most. At the same time, pay attention to things that are nagging you – the energies or tasks that you’d love to be free from as we move further into the year. It might be a sign that change is coming your way.

Now’s a great time to lean into Virgo’s vibe. Finish a project that’s been taking a while to complete, tie up relationship loose ends, and allow Virgo’s logical side to help you make good decisions for yourself.

With the moon opposite the sun in Pisces, this Full Moon will encourage you to consider how you can love yourself and others more. Use the Virgo love of organization and structures to create a new self-care routine for yourself. Just make sure it’s practical and sustainable – those are the energies that Virgo thrives on. Mercury and Saturn are also in opposition to the moon right now, so there may be a little tension between what you desire and what reality supports. Just take some time to allow things to percolate.

Mercury may reveal something to you during this Full Moon, or you may finally have that conversation you’ve been putting off. Saturn may encourage you to be a little more mature in your goal setting. On February 28th, the sun, Mercury, and Saturn will converge at the same degree of Pisces, giving us another little boost of magickal energy.

We’re also experiencing an alignment of Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, which will remind us to focus on the collective. It’s an excellent time to take action on your plans for social justice, activism, or charity work.

In a few days, when we move past the Full Moon, release the thought patterns that bring you down or make you think less of yourself. Use discernment and close out chapters that don’t support you – just be sure not to act too quickly. Virgo loves a practical plan, after all!

Virgo Sun and Rising placements: Reflect on your previous New Moon from September 2023. What’s been working for you? What needs some refinement? How can you continue to improve?

Taurus, Capricorn, Leo, Libra, Cancer, and Scorpio Sun and Rising placements: Precision is essential during this Full Moon. Be super specific about what your wants and needs. Now’s a good time to refocus on your physical and mental wellness, too.

Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, Aries, and Aquarius Sun and Rising placements: Watch out for people pushing your buttons and your boundaries during this Full Moon. You might feel a little more sensitive right now. Remember, alone time is a good time!

Stay magickal,
Megan W.

Posted on by Megan Winkler
Posted on by Megan Winkler