Full Moon in Taurus – November 15, 2024

Changes are on the horizon with this Full Moon in Taurus, happening on November 15th. Taurus desires practicality and stability, but Scorpio’s creativity and imagination can sometimes create tension around this lunation. In perfect Scorpio style, the darker outer planets are active this time, with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto impacting our desires and magick around the middle of the month. Let’s dive in!
Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, moves into Sagittarius on November 12, three days before the Full Moon. This shift may cause you to feel stuck right in the extremely motivating Waxing Moon cycle as we approach the 15th. Don’t let this discourage you from your goals because when Saturn goes direct on the 15th, you’ll also feel a sense of relief.
Uranus (planet of unexpected change) is a significant presence throughout the month of November, so make sure you stay open to possibilities and opportunities. Even when you have a bad day or receive bad news, remember that there’s almost always a silver lining somewhere.
With the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus, you may crave more freedom in your home life or intuitive work. Use discernment when it comes to making big decisions right now – especially with Mercury in Sagittarius. Other people may seem VERY convincing with Mercury in Sagittarius's charismatic sign; unfortunately, not everyone has your best interest at heart.
If you typically feel overwhelmed during the Full Moon, the good news is that Neptune in Pisces will help create a peaceful, aligned, and compassionate energy. Exercise some of this compassion for yourself and consider what you’ve learned over the past few months. How can you integrate those lessons and wisdom into your life over the next half-year?
More change is just around the corner, too: Pluto moves back into Aquarius for good on November 19th and will stay there until 2043. It’s officially the new era, and it's just in time for bold, adventurous Sagittarius season on November 21 and Mercury Retrograde on the 26th.
Here’s what’s in store for you this Full Moon…
Aries: Others will find you incredibly charming this month, especially in your professional life and challenging family matters – just in time for Thanksgiving here in the US, right? Remember your values and personal power, and you’ll easily cruise through it.
Taurus: The Full Moon is in your sign this time and will affect your 11th house, the house of community. Celebrate your achievements no matter how small they may be. And remember that your community supports you! This might be a great time to reach out to an old friend.
Gemini: Your reputation and career will be front and center in your awareness at this Full Moon. You’ll feel your motivation coming back, and you’ll feel ready for the challenges before you. Allow your increased confidence to lead you to your goals.
Cancer: Your desire for increased freedom will peak at this Full Moon. Remember to lean on the community around you – they can build you up and help you find your desired freedom. It’s not an all-or-nothing situation! Focus on the causes that mean something to you, too – you can help others find freedom, too.
Leo: With Saturn going direct at the same time the moon is full, you’ll feel a boost to your 8th house (transformation), and a renewal of your goals. And with the Full Moon in your 10th house, your career is about to take center stage. Reflect on your professional progress before forging ahead with your goals.
Virgo: Self-discovery is the name of the game for you this Full Moon. So, too, are the connections you’ve made this year. Who can support you as you continue building momentum for your personal development this year? Lean into the yearnings for exploration and trying something new – you may learn something about yourself when you do!
Libra: It’s time to reflect on your partnerships this year: financial, emotional, and even mergers and projects at work. Take some time to redefine what makes you happy and cultivates creativity in your life. Once Pluto moves back into Aquarius, it’s all engines go for you!
Scorpio: Now’s the time to take your passion project seriously. What have you been putting on the back burner? Time to move it up on your priority list! After the Full Moon, release the relationships that don’t nurture you. The best relationships are give and take – you shouldn’t be pouring all your energy into a relationship dragging you down.
Sagittarius: Quality over quantity is the name of the game for you this lunation. Maybe this looks like saving for a great vacation or investing time in friendships. Consider what you can let go of after the Full Moon in preparation for your upcoming season on the 21st. What goals will you be pursuing in the coming weeks?
Capricorn: With Venus in your sign starting on the 11th, your desires and self-worth will receive the love they deserve. While you naturally default to getting shit done, remember that taking care of yourself means you can get even more things done down the road. Find some way to express yourself during this Full Moon, too! Celebrate your hard work and take a well-deserved break!
Aquarius: This is a great time to celebrate your accomplishments with your family. If you feel the need to make a big move in your living situation or at work, remember that the planets have your back right now! Saturn will support you in your 2nd house (finances, stability) and the Full Moon in your 4th house (family, home) will support your goals.
Pisces: Now is the perfect time to launch your writing or speaking career. Your public image will be considerably boosted when we enter Sagittarius season in a few days. Just don’t over-extend yourself or over-commit to anything coming up. Mercury Retrograde will stir things up in your career!
Happy Full Moon, witches!
Megan W.