Full Moon in Scorpio- May 10, 2017

This month's Full Moon in Scorpio on Wednesday, May 10th, will have a noticeably strong effect. The water sign Scorpio is known for intensity, transformation, secrecy, prosperity and power. Full Moons are about completion, meaning the efforts we have made in the previous two weeks, starting from the New Moon in Taurus on April 26, will be recognized and brought to the surface. This would also be an ideal time to tend to our relationships with co-workers, friends, partners, or connections with nature. It is important to note that our inner world deserves just as much attention. Changes are bound to arise, more so within our personal lives rather than the outside world. This is a wonderful time to see real and positive growth, starting from within!
Scorpio is definitely a strong sign. With a desire to seek and understand what lies beneath the surface, the Scorpio(n) is skilled in waiting for the right time to take action. This is something that should be kept in mind so that decisions being made can be done with full confidence. With this energy present, we should expect to see some deliberate changes in our environment. Depending on how we choose to see and use this energy, a sense of "destiny" could come into play. Situations could come up that demand us to identify what changes need to be made, or things that need to be revealed and let go within our lives. If something needs to be worked out with a person you are emotionally connected to, now is a great time to do so. Fair warning- sometimes things like secrets can come to the surface that we never knew were there. Remember to stay honest and upright in all of your dealings. This Scorpio Full Moon is anything but superficial, which in the end will allow us to positively feel like we have a much clearer big picture mentality!
This entire month of May has to do with the Divine Feminine quality within each of us. The Pagan tradition, Beltane, associated with the beauty of nature and fertility, deals with similar aspects as this Full Moon or "Full Flower Moon". This is mostly due to the fact that flowers blossom and bloom in May. Spending this lunar phase celebrating nature by simply taking a walk or a swim can be considered a full moon ritual! Like Mother Nature in Spring, we are being given a chance to shed the old and welcome in the new. Using this as an opportunity to come face to face with ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, can bring forth a sense of re-birth and renewal. This is also a high time for magickal workings related to healing, protection, and prosperity. Using crystals and gemstones under this Full Moon can be especially helpful when asking for guidance about money and relationships, drawing power from the moon to set strong intentions, or to simply clear out any unwanted feelings or energies from your life!
Wishing you all a safe and happy Full Moon!
~Juliana M. Fanucchi
Author Bio:
Juliana uses astrology to understand how the planets can affect us on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Raised as a Nichiren Buddhist, she studies other metaphysical interests like numerology, music, tarot, and gemstones. She received her 200 hour yoga certification in December 2016. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can follow her on Instagram- instagram.com/whooliana.