Full Moon in Pisces- September 10, 2022

On Saturday, September 10th, the Full Moon in Pisces arrives to shine a light on your emotional and spiritual states. Dreamy Pisces energy helps you tap into your intuition, get lost in a daydream about where you see yourself in a few years, and longing to emotionally connect with family, friends, and loved ones. Take some time during this powerful energy to tap into yourself on a deeper level and assess how you are truly doing at your core- emotionally and spiritually.
This Full Moon in Pisces will also urge you to release control and just go with the flow. This moon is sextile to the planet Uranus, leading to positive changes popping up unexpectedly. If you are overly controlling, these opportunities may flow right past you. Be aware of your surroundings, tap into your intuition to feel the energy around you, and be open to the new possibilities coming your way.
Mercury Retrograde begins on September 9th, the day before this Full Moon. This retrograde energy will have you wanting to rest, renew, and review and the Pisces Full Moon supports that. Practice self-care, especially if this sensitive Full Moon triggers anxiety or intense emotions.
As Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, expect some things to come to a natural end this Full Moon, especially things that began during the Pisces New Moon in early March of this year. Take some time to wrap up projects that are near completion. Understand that some things need to come to an end so other things can begin!
Love and Light,