Full Moon in Gemini- November 27, 2023

The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on November 27th, bringing with it an air of clarity amidst the last few months of eclipse season. You may finally find that this Full Moon illuminates your path ahead, helping you to make plans and form clear ideas. Open communication is also encouraged during this Full Moon, especially in areas where you need to bring together your head and your heart in order to move forward. You might also find that this Gemini Full Moon highlights the words that you speak regularly- to others and to yourself. Be mindful of the power of words and how they can affect your energy and the energy of others.
Gemini energy is thirsty for knowledge, so you can use this Full Moon to dive deeper into a subject you've always wanted to learn. Be open to learning and the flow of information around you, as sometimes divine messages are sent through unlikely sources. Remain open-minded during this Full Moon, and you may just find answers to big-picture questions that you've had for a while. You may also realize that you've had the answers inside of you this whole time, and it's time for you to trust that inner voice more.
This Full Moon could also shed light on triggers for you, but understand that this is to help you heal and learn from them so that you can overcome them and take away their power. Limiting beliefs, fears, worries, and even traumas might pop up for you, but Gemini's energy is there to help you break through them and set yourself free. Don't be surprised if you are also shown where you hold yourself back in life. It's time to step out of your own way so you can move forward with achieving the goals you deserve.