Full Moon in Gemini – December 15, 2024

Happy Full Moon, witches! Our final Full Moon of 2024 helps bring a sense of completion to our end-of-year. With Mercury going direct on the same day, the Cold Full Moon is an invitation to embrace all parts of yourself and share your authenticity fearlessly with the world.
With the dance of the Gemini twins ruling this Full Moon, we can reflect on the past year while also looking ahead to what will come next year. To go along with that energy, Gemini also reminds us not to get too bogged down in the hard stuff and not to let the good things go to our heads. There’s a balance to be found between the physical and the energetic. As we search for ways to keep our physical bodies safe, we also need to nurture our spiritual ones.
This Full Moon is an invitation to honor all parts of ourselves. Honor your magickal and mundane parts, eat nourishing food and sweet holiday treats, express yourself, and support others as they do the same – basically, seek balance where you can. With Jupiter’s help, our emotions may be heightened, and the urge to do ALL THE THINGS may feel overwhelming. Part of that is the holiday season, family obligations, and end-of-year duties at work. Another part of it is Mars Retrograde, which will keep our emotions high. Thankfully, Gemini is great at reminding us that it’s ok to feel our feelings, so just take a deep breath and pause before popping off, and you should be fine.
All Full Moons give us the chance to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and what we need to release. With the Cold Full Moon, it’s time to go inward and give your goals a final push to completion. This is the perfect time to sit down and write a letter to your future self – the you that you’ll be in December 2025.
This Full Moon is also bringing forward momentum to your manifestations, rounding out a period of 6 months of social change and new challenges. Since Jupiter is especially active right now, it will help you remain positive as it helps propel us forward toward our personal goals.
Thankfully, Mercury stations direct right after the Full Moon, so we’re in store for clarity around our communication, the subconscious, and intuition. This is auspicious timing here at the end of 2024.
Horoscopes for the December 2024 Cold Full Moon
Aries: You know all those ideas that have been swimming around in your head? It’s time to sort through them, release what you won’t follow through on, and make plans to bring the others to fruition. When presented with the opportunity to pause or act, remember that life is about duality, and you can do both.
Taurus: Release what you’re holding onto that’s dragging you down. It may be a closet that desperately needs cleaning out, or it might be an old story about yourself that pops up yearly around the holidays. You can still create your own security and freedom without stepping too far out of your comfort zone.
Gemini: This is your Full Moon! Let go of the assumptions about yourself (either from others or yourself) and express yourself freely. It’s time to step into the new year in authentic confidence.
Cancer: Use this Full Moon to reflect on your healing, spiritual, or self-care journey from this year. What strides have you made in your personal development and limiting beliefs? Reflect on those and then cleanse yourself and your space in the Waning phases.
Leo: This Full Moon affects your 11th house, the house of goals and friendships. Are your friends supporting your journey, or have they been there only to support you during your best times? Reassess your connections and relationships and make sure they align with your goals.
Virgo: Dear Virgo, your perfectionism might be at a fever pitch right now. How can you let go of your need to control things you can’t control? Take time to reflect on your successes and achievements with this Full Moon instead of dwelling on mistakes. Begin manifesting your version of success by releasing resentment over things that didn’t go as expected.
Libra: When did you last assess your values and worldview? If you’ve found yourself in a bit of an echo chamber lately, it’s time to venture out of it. Libra craves balance, and the duality of Gemini is an excellent reminder that sometimes balance comes in the form of opposites.
Scorpio: Take time to look at the power dynamics in your most important relationships as well as your relationship with yourself. While Scorpio loves to take you deep into the depths of shadow work and magick, it’s crucial to embrace lightness and even silliness, too. One doesn’t negate the other one.
Sagittarius: This Full Moon is a great reminder to collaborate with others, even in your most adventurous state. While you often crave freedom, the relationships and friendships you surround yourself with will keep you nurtured and grounded.
Capricorn: Use this Full Moon to reassess your habits and goal-tracking methods. Stress may have caused you to clamp down on them too hard over the past few months. See if you can balance your work and the spontaneity of life in general – even if that means scheduling fun time into your calendar!
Aquarius: Your purpose will feel a lot more fun with this Full Moon. Any creative blocks you’ve been experiencing, particularly with Mercury Retrograde, are lightening up. As you plan a new project, connect it to your emotions for greater impact.
Pisces: Use this lunation to tap into your personal needs. What do you need to change in your environment to help you feel both fulfilled and safe? This Full Moon is an opportune time for ancestor work for anyone with significant Pisces placements.
Happy Full Moon, witches!
Megan W.