Full Moon in Capricorn- July 3, 2023

The Full Moon in Capricorn arrives on July 3, 2023, bringing with it some grounded, structured, get-shit-done energy. Capricorn energy urges you to reach your goals- the big ones- through hard work and discipline. Now is the perfect time to create schedules, routines, and action plans that motivate you to accomplish your dreams. Any type of forward movement on your goals, even small steps, help you work with this powerful Capricorn energy.
This Full Moon will also shed light on imbalances in your life, but most specifically, imbalances that were a result of your own actions. It's time to stand up and take responsibility for the outcomes in your life that you directly caused. It is only through acknowledging them that you can overcome any obstacles and limitations that you have put onto yourself and your life. Capricorn is represented by the seagoat, which has horns to blast through challenges if taken head-on, and a sea tail for swimming with the flow of energy where needed. This Full Moon helps illuminate where in your life you need to push through, and where you need to sit back and go with the flow.
This Capricorn-fueled Full Moon will also shed light on new opportunities that are presented before you. Know that you are being supported by not only the Universe, but also your higher self, when it comes to these new endeavors. But, only hard work will be rewarded when Capricorn energy is at play; shortcuts are only honored if they are well thought out and resonate with your greater plan and purpose. So, while achieving your goals may be challenging, knowing that your hard work will pay off in the end makes achieving them even more satisfying.