Full Moon in Cancer – January 13, 2025

Welcome to the first Full Moon of the year! While this moon is traditionally known as the Wolf Moon, it might be more fitting to borrow the Celtic name, the “Stay Home Moon,” for this one. Positioned opposite Pluto and in the deeply emotional sign of Cancer, this Full Moon is bound to stir up big feelings, complex relationships, and possibly some mid-month anger. But don’t worry; it’s not all heavy energy. Let’s explore what’s happening.
While the Moon opposes Pluto, it also forms harmonious trines with Saturn and Neptune. Saturn, the planet of structure and responsibility, brings stability and grounding to this emotionally charged Moon, while Neptune, the planet of inspiration and illusions, invites us to delve into the deeper, more transcendental aspects of our emotions. Together, they encourage reflection, offering you the clarity to ask yourself why certain situations or people are triggering strong reactions.
This celestial support is especially helpful since the Moon is conjunct Mars, providing you with a surge of courage and creative problem-solving inspiration. Channel this energy constructively. Mars is retrograde in Cancer, so anger and frustration may be lurking in the background. Instead of letting these emotions take over, focus on using Mars’s influence to tackle challenges with positivity and determination.
As always, the Moon reminds us that everything in life is cyclical. Nothing lasts forever. Take a deep breath, lean into your strengths, and release the emotional buildup of recent months. In the spirit of the Wolf Moon, consider "howling" at the sky (figuratively or literally) to let go of trapped emotions and tension.
This is also an ideal time to reset and honor your emotions. Over the next few days, pay close attention to the desires and needs that surface. That’s the Cancer Full Moon illuminating what truly matters to you. Use this energy to align your intuition and magick with your outer world. When you do, powerful transformations are on the horizon.
In short, the best way to work with this Full Moon is to feel your feelings, express your emotions, and honor what’s coming up for you. Let the luminous energy of this Moon guide you toward a more aligned and intuitive path.
Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Cancer:
Aries: Reevaluate and reestablish boundaries in your life and especially with your family. Don’t be surprised if an issue you thought was resolved pops up again.
Taurus: Have you been putting off an uncomfortable conversation? If so, it’s time to have the talk. Your communication receives a boost with this Full Moon, however, so you’re prepared for anything!
Gemini: Your finances and career are center stage with this Full Moon. If you’re overdue for a promotion, set up and ask for it. Make sure you’re keeping your boundaries between work and personal life solid this go-round.
Cancer: The moon is in your first house of identity since this is your Full Moon! Reflect on your relationships and goals to ensure they’re supportive and meeting your needs.
Leo: Mars has left your sign, Leo, so now’s the perfect time for some rest and recalibration. If you’ve felt overwhelmed lately or you said “yes” to too many things, it’s time to wrap things up and reset things for your own wellbeing.
Virgo: Boundaries are a big deal for you too, Virgo. You may find that your friends lean on you for more support the next couple of weeks. Make sure you take care of yourself during this time too.
Libra: Your emotions might be reaching a boiling point right about now. If you’ve been frustrated at work or with a colleague, it is likely to come to a head. You might be presented with a new career direction, though, so be on the lookout for signs.
Scorpio: Your drive to use your voice will be high around the Full Moon, prompting you to pop off when you’d normally remain quiet. That’s not always a bad thing, though, so take those moments of frustration and deep emotion as a learning experience. You may also be really busy in the days around the Full Moon.
Sagittarius: If you’re feeling a little sensitive and fragile right now, it’s not you; it’s the moon. This Full Moon is impacting your sense of vulnerability and your psyche. Open up to a trusted friend or loved one for the support you need. Make sure to maintain your healing practices too. You’ll need them!
Capricorn: There’s some stress in your partnerships and working relationships this Full Moon. Be sure to follow Cancer’s lead and express the emotions you’d normally keep under wraps. Boundaries are also important to you right now…watch out for anyone who is typically openly hostile toward you.
Aquarius: Let’s kick some bad habits, Aquarius. You may have been resistant to New Years resolutions (very Aquarian of you, btw!) but now the moon will help you establish new routines, ditch bad ones, and form new, healthy habits in all parts of your world.
Pisces: Go for what you want in your romantic relationships. It might be time to move from a friends-with-benefits situation to a more solid, dedicated one. Practice self-love magick around the Full Moon too, and enjoy!
Happy Full Moon, witches!
Megan W.