Full Moon in Aries- October 5, 2017

Full Moon in Aries- October 5, 2017
This month's Full Moon falls under the fire sign of Aries. We are likely to feel proud about all of the accomplishments we have made thus far. Aries is powerful, action-oriented, and sometimes hot-headed. There will be plenty of energy for us to use in different areas of our lives. With the transition into autumn, changes previously made will start to have a stronger affect on us and our environment. Luckily this will help us to feel energized and motivated to take more steps towards our goals!
The last month for many of us has been about releasing the old, making room for the new to emerge. The last Full Moon in Pisces asked us to slow things down and take time to heal old wounds and become more in tune with our emotions, but that's very different from this moon. Aries reminds us to step up to the plate and be ready to face whatever comes our way. There will always be challenges and obstacles, and with the right attitude we can easily overcome any situation. Learn to trust yourself and rise above feelings of hopelessness no matter the circumstance. Some of us may decide to face our own challenges alone, which can be a great thing! Choosing to go it alone helps us to gain independence and become more confident in our strengths and abilities. 

Full Moon Aries will have an affect on our personal relationships, too. Aries can be especially stubborn, so having to be flexible and patient with those around us can be aggravating and cause us to react. We may want to do things based on how we feel in the moment, but try not to let passionate emotions take over a situation. Now may not be the best time to spend too much time with new acquaintances. Being around people you know and trust is a good way to stay grounded and be yourself. As with every Full Moon, it's wise to stay as centered as possible and not put yourself in unfamiliar situations. Use this fiery energy to express yourself in healthy ways. Staying physically active is a good way to stay focused and release negative emotions and energies from our bodies. Take this time to set positive intentions and make efforts to manifest your dreams into reality!  
Be well! xx

- Juliana M. Fanucchi 

Author Bio:

Juliana uses astrology to understand how the planets can affect us on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Raised as a Nichiren Buddhist, she studies other metaphysical interests like numerology, music, tarot, and gemstones. She received her 200 hour yoga certification in December 2016. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can follow her on Instagram- instagram.com/whooliana.
Posted on by Morgan Moss
Posted on by Morgan Moss