Full Moon in Aries – October 17, 2024

Full Moon in Aries – October 17, 2024

Are you feeling the fire, witches? Our Super Full Moon in Aries is full of motivation and a desire to move! A supermoon means it's closer to the earth than it usually is, so we may feel its effects a little stronger than normal. When we’re in the Libra-Aries axis, we feel the push and pull of a desire for balance along with the instinct to run forward toward our goals.

The Libra New Moon kicked things off for us this month, bringing lots of power and intention to our finances, careers, and relationships. This Full Moon is going to feel like an even bigger injection of motivation, combined with breath of fresh air and creativity. We’re out of eclipse season for the remainder of 2024, so our moons will feel more straightforward over the next couple of months, too.

There’s also a lot of Scorpio energy with this Full Moon, with both Mercury and Venus in Scorpio. Really, it’s the best vibe for spooky season, as Scorpio will be encouraging us to learn about and love the shadows in ourselves and others. Plus, a little shadowy communication with the spirit world is not off the table.

Chiron and Jupiter are super supportive of this Full Moon, too. Chiron, the wounded healer, will help usher in some renewal on the cosmic level and Jupiter, despite being retrograde, will bring an extra boost of optimism and clarity during this Full Moon.

Our Black Moon, Lilith is also in Libra during the Full Moon, encouraging us to remember that it's important to have moderation in everything, including moderation, or in this case, balance. Don’t allow yourself to become fanatical about your pursuit of balance and alignment. The unexpected always brings new opportunities for growth and creativity, so don’t be so focused on being perfect in your work/life balance during this Full Moon. In other words, it’s ok for your life to take the center stage for a bit!

Horoscopes for Full Moon in Aries:

Aries: This is your Full Moon, Aries! Use this energy to resolve conflicts that have been dragging you down. Mars is square the moon and sun in your 4th house, so the issues are going to be pretty hard to ignore. Be sure to clearly communicate what you need and want to those around you.

Taurus: Feeling busy lately? This season has been a productive one for you, but you may still feel a little out of breath and like you’re just trying to keep up with everything. Where are you overextending yourself or investing too much energy without any sort of reciprocation? It’s time to reevaluate those areas of your life.

Gemini: With Jupiter in retrograde during this Full Moon, you may experience a change of heart about something that you hoped would happen. It’s ok, though, because whatever that opportunity was, it wasn’t for you. On the flip side, romance is in store for you – whether you’re in a relationship or not. Spice things up for yourself or with your partner this Full Moon!

Cancer: Lean on the routines and habits that support you during this season, Cancer. You’ve made some positive moves in your career and daily life. Make sure to rely on your friends when challenges arise and indulge in making some travel plans for later this year if your budget allows for it.

Leo: Approach your challenges with clear-headed intention around this Full Moon. Jupiter may be bringing some conflict to the surface, but you’ll navigate those challenges better with wisdom, rather than trying to roar your way through them. Romance is also in the air for you, Leo, so use the fiery energy of Aries to help bring a little heat to your love life.

Virgo: Now is a good time to take people at their word, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket – especially on the career front. It’s not that people are deceiving you, it’s that they may not be able to uphold their end of commitments. You’ll gain insights where these disappointments happen, though. In addition, get ready for some childhood healing in the next few months.

Libra: Luck and peace are coming your way, Libra! Venus is about to settle down for you and any conflict in your personal life is going to chill out soon. You’ll have great interactions over the next few weeks, with neighbors, friends, and family alike.

Scorpio: Trust your instincts during the Full Moon and as we approach Scorpio season. Some financial gains are coming your way, and this might be a good time for career partnerships or joint projects. If you’ve felt creatively blocked lately, that is about to melt away for you!

Sagittarius: There are some shifts coming your way with your ruling planet, Jupiter, in retrograde. However, abundance is yours this month, Sagittarius. This will affect your professional life as well as personal relationships.

Capricorn: Things are about to settle down for you this month. It’s a great time for positive business decisions. Any personal life conflicts will be settling down now, too. You may experience a boost to your career in November!

Aquarius: Stay positive, open, and responsive to the lessons the Universe is sending your way. New professional opportunities are on their way to you – don’t act too quickly, and you’ll be in good shape no matter what you decide. Your social life will also get a boost with this Full Moon, so expand your circle with new partnerships and networks.

Pisces: There’s going to be a big shift in your life, Pisces. You’re going to feel more confident and even more comfortable in your own skin. Remember not to stand in your own way and trust that the career opportunities are there to serve you – even if you don’t feel quite prepared for them yet.

Stay magickal!
Megan W.

Posted on by Morgan Moss
Posted on by Morgan Moss