Full Moon in Aries- October 1, 2020

October 1st brings the arrival of the Harvest Full Moon in Aries. This is also the first of two full moons in October, meaning this is the perfect time for manifesting new patterns. Aries is the warrior sign, working with the inner ego as well as the physical body to become self-empowered.
Opposite the moon in Aries is the sun in Libra. The polarity between these zodiac signs can cause you to overreact if you aren’t conscious of your behavior. Aries wants to take action while Libra likes to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Becoming aware of how you express your intense emotions will prevent unnecessary chaos and allow you to stay present.
Asteroid Chiron is currently conjunct this moon in Aries, revealing any personal wounds you have suppressed that can be healed now. Be brave enough to stand up for who you are and what you really want for yourself. Honoring your passions will help you recommit to your authenticity, which will reveal a new and exciting path toward your true purpose!
Wishing you a dramatic Full Moon in Aries!
~Juliana M. Fanucchi