Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces- August 30, 2023

On August 30, the second Full Moon of the month arrives in the sign of Pisces, bringing with it some intensity. A second Full Moon in a month is known as a Blue Moon, and this one happens to also be a Supermoon, amplifying its energy. Pisces rules intuition, psychic abilities, dreams, and spirituality, so prepare for these to be in overdrive during this Full Moon. Now is a perfect time to focus on your spiritual self, which could mean diving down into your shadow self. This Full Moon may illuminate fears you have, especially fears that are holding you back from moving forward in your life. This Pisces Full Moon will aid in helping you softly and compassionately face these fears so that you can be free of them.
With 6 planets in retrograde when this Full Moon arrives, the energy surrounding us is anything but stable. While Virgo season does provide some stability within the chaos, there is still an air of uncertainty that accompanies this Pisces Full Moon. Heightened emotions are a definite factor during this moon, especially with Mercury Retrograde affecting communication. You might find that you are unable to clearly convey how you are feeling, which could lead to frustration and breakdowns. Within all this chaos, it's best to look inward for peace, calm, and guidance on how to proceed next.
This Supermoon in Pisces could also reveal the bigger picture to you, helping to distract you some from the attention-to-detail energy that Virgo season has brought. As Blue Moons don't happen very often, combined with how Pisces energy focuses more on bigger dreams and goals, this Full Moon is a great time to put your energy out there for how you want your life to be on a grand scale. Open yourself to possible transformations that need to happen in order for you to get there, which could include an ending to make room for something bigger in your life to arrive. With this ending comes healing, so keep your mind and energy focused on that.