Creating A Witchy Vision Board

Vision boards have entered the mainstream, with groups gathering in yoga studios together or people using their free time on New Year’s Day to create their own. But what if you want to add magick to your vision board? Well, then it’s time to tap into your visionary magick practice and create a witchy vision board!
Visionary magick encourages you to envision your intentions so vividly that a clear pathway is formed for the energy to flow forward toward your goals. It involves both an emotional component and the activation of all your senses. The more ways you envision achieving your goals, the more potent the magick will be. So it makes sense that a witchy vision board is an essential part of visionary magick.
Here are some ideas for how to best create a witchy vision board of your own.
Gathering Your Supplies
As with any ritual, it is essential to create a sacred space before you begin creating your witchy vision board. Clear the room of any distractions and set your sacred space as you would prepare for a spell. Include elements in your space that will help you focus your intentions. This may include a white candle, incense that coincides with your intentions, or a small collection of gemstones to help you focus your energy. Some of our favorites include:
- Shaman Stone: To release fears that could be holding you back from living your life’s purpose
- Orthoceras Fossil: To help you move from old patterns to new, innovative solutions in your life
- Blue Kyanite: To aid in honest communication
- Merkaba Stars: To support your manifestation efforts, expanding energy in all four directions
- Kambaba Jasper: To improve prosperity and heal your heart
- Hematite: To ground you through the process of creating your vision board
- Amazonite: To infuse your practice with courage and to help you find your soul purpose
Any other gemstone that resonates with your energy for the day should be added to your sacred space, too. Feel free to choose which stone works best for you intuitively.
Consider using a magickal ink in your vision board as well. There are several choices for magickal ink, depending on your intention. While these inks contain the word “blood” in them, they are not made using actual blood, but resins and plant materials instead.
- Dove’s blood ink: For friendship, love, desire, and reconciliation
- Dragon’s blood ink: For protection, power, courage, and luck
- Butterfly’s blood ink: A rare ink used for the most sacred of writings
- Bat’s blood ink: For protection, binding, and removing curses
You may also want to begin your creative process with a meditation or a Tarot card drawing. Taking your time to prepare to make your vision board will help sustain the energy and intention you put into it.
Elements to Include on Your Witchy Vision Board
A witchy vision board has elements of magick woven through it that makes it special. Make sure you include items, images, and words that are sacred to you and the intention you want to manifest. Here are some ideas of what to include on yours.
A handwritten spell on your vision board can straightforwardly direct magick, telling the forces you work with exactly what you want. Leave it visible or hide it behind a picture, depending on the spell and depending on who might see your vision board. If you’re still private about your practice, layering obvious magickal elements under images like this will keep your secret safe.
Another written element you can add to your vision board are runes. The original meaning of the word rune was actually “something hidden,” so runes can be another way to infuse magick into your vision board secretly. There are runes for wholeness, communication, transformation, progress, fertility, joy, and many other intentions. Pick one that resonates with your board’s purpose.
Power Sigils
Creating a power sigil for your witchy vision board is another way to integrate magick into your practice. Sigils are one of the easiest forms of magick and because you create them, they are incredibly personal. Learn how to create your own sigils here.
If spells aren’t your thing, try adding an affirmation or two to your witchy vision board instead. You can paste inspirational words on your board or handwrite a phrase in magickal ink.
Elements that Evoke the Emotions
Pictures of places or objects that evoke an emotional response from you can help boost the visionary magick at work on your vision board. By inviting the six senses into your practice – and into your board, if possible – you add to its energy. Feel free to let your creativity take off! You can also add three-dimensional objects that align with your intentions – a feather for lightness, a key to represent a future business, or charms for protection or love.
Elemental and Cardinal Symbols
If appropriate, add symbols or pictures that represent the four elements or the four cardinal directions to your board. You can also call in the energies of the elements or the corners to help infuse your intention with more magick as you create your witchy vision board.
Images of Your Patron Deity
You may want to include an of the god or goddess you’d like to call on to help you manifest your intentions. Look beyond their appearance and consider including objects that represent them. You can also display your vision board near a statute or offering of your deity of choice.
Specific Colors
Integrate specific colors into your witchy vision board to support your intention and manifestation. Consider adding the following colors:
- Red: For love, passion, courage, and motivation
- Orange: For strength, success, attraction of positive things, and encouragement
- Yellow: For communication, creativity, and to dispel negativity
- Green: For prosperity, money, healing, and fertility
- Blue: For meditation, tranquility, peace, and healing
- Indigo: For balance and clear communication
- Purple: For wisdom, spirituality, psychic abilities, and intuition
- White: For clarity, purification, and protection
- Lavender: For intuition and dreams
- Pink: For happiness, self-love, and love manifestations
- Brown: For earth, grounding, and balance
- Gold: For attraction, fortune, and justice
- Silver: For channeling, psychic abilities, and clairvoyance
As you construct your witchy vision board, remember to be focused on your intention, call upon the six senses to aide you, and let your creativity direct its creation. Tapping into your personal magick is what makes your vision board truly special.