Candle Magick Colors

When practicing candle magick, one of the most important things to take into consideration is your candle color. Each color has different vibrational energy, and can be used for different intentions.
Red ~ Love, passion, courage, motivation
Orange ~ Strength, success, attraction of positive things, stimulation, encouragement
Yellow ~ Communication, intellect, creativity, dispel negativity
Green ~ Prosperity, money, healing, fertility
Blue ~ Meditation, tranquility, peace, healing
Indigo ~ Clear communication, balance
Purple ~ Spirituality, wisdom, intuition, psychic abilities, magickal abilities
White ~ Clarity, protection, purification, truth; can be burned in place of any other color
Black ~ Absorbs negative energy, banishing, quit smoking, lose weight
Lavender ~ Intuition, dreams, spiritual shield
Pink ~ Happiness, self-love, self-esteem, love
Brown ~ Earth, animals, grounding, balance
Gold ~ Attraction, justice, understanding, fortune
Silver ~ Psychic abilities, clairvoyance, channeling