A Quick Look at Lammas- The First Harvest

August 1st marks the pagan sabbat of Lammas (also known as Lughnasadh, after the god Lugh), which can be celebrated the whole month long. It is the time of the year when the first harvests are made, both internally and externally, and the body, mind, and soul should start preparing for the shorter days and the descent into the shadow time.
On the outside, herbs, grains, fruits, corn, etc can be harvested soon and dried for use in the cold months ahead. Fertility rites can be performed to ensure a healthy crop as the season ends as well as the season to come next year.
On the inside, Lammas symbolizes how the seeds of inspiration that were planted at Imbolc now begin to bear fruit, from months of your cultivation and work, and you can begin to reap the benefits! Reflect on experiences that you have learned from, count your blessings, and prepare yourself for the upcoming winter months. Personal fertility rites are useful now, to ensure that the positive energy and motivation to obtain your goals stays with you.
Bake some bread, celebrate with family and friends, enjoy your accomplishments from the year so far, and look ahead to the fall and winter as an upcoming time to connect with yourself!