Blood Magick

Blood is a powerful substance, carrying our DNA signature – a scientific imprint of our lineage. It carries information from our ancestors and is both an energetic and literal life force. It makes sense, then, that blood would be a potent ingredient to spells and rituals. The good news is a little goes a long way, and you don’t even have to prick your finger to practice it if you don’t want to.
Before we dive in, I want to express that practicing blood magick is controversial among the “love and light” witches. It’s also been demonized by Hollywood, making us think that it has to involve some slaughter or animal sacrifice to do it. This isn’t the case, and I personally shudder at the thought of any animals being harmed for magick.
In the case of blood magick, do what works for you. And if the practice doesn’t work for you at all, there are plenty of other ways to conduct your spells. Ok, let’s do this!
How to Use Blood in Spells
If you already use hair, nails, or urine in your spells – I know, the last one can be messy! – blood might be a helpful ingredient in your progression as a witch. Blood can be either devotional or sacrificial, and it can also add more energy to the spell, enabling you to claim the intention even more for yourself. Hair and nails are dead tissue, and urine is a waste product. However, blood is a living substance. Adding this living element to your ritual or spell can add more life to it!
All you have to do is use a drop of your own blood or a bit of your menstrual blood to add more potency to the spell. If you choose to prick your finger for some blood, do so safely! Use a sanitized lancet or medical needle for this. Ritual knives, razors, or anything larger will leave a scar, bring forth too much blood, or give you an infection. You can purchase medical lancets at your local pharmacy. And all you need is a drop or two, thanks to blood’s ultra potency.
Menstrual Blood Magick
There’s still such a stigma around menstruation that using your moon cycle blood is an act of rebellion and personal power. Our cycles connect us with Mother Nature and the Universe beyond, so why wouldn’t we want to use this blood in our magick? Plus – no needles involved! Use this blood for prosperity and personal power spells to boost it and create a significant connection between you and the magick.
You can use menstrual blood to help create a protection ward for your home. By adding your blood as a “signature,” you’re tying the protection to you further than you would otherwise. Just drop a used tampon in with your other protection ingredients to a jar spell, seal it up, and bury it in your yard. If you use menstrual cups, it’s even easier to collect your monthly blood.
Other witches dilute their menstrual blood with water and use it to water their plants. This is one way to give back to the earth; your plants will love it.
As with any bodily fluids, make sure to clean your space well after using blood in your practice and wash your hands before and after to avoid infection.
No matter how you practice blood magick, remember that the practice is yours alone. You bring the magick with your choice of spell ingredients, ritual words, and intentions.
What do you think? Will you try blood magick?
Stay Spooky,
Megan W.