The Inked Grimoire
Crisis Averted! Here’s How To Recover From Mercury Retrograde
Tired of feeling like the Universe is conspiring against you, experiencing miscommunications everywhere you go, emails that don’t send, and that ex popping back up in your life? Well, breathe a sigh of relief. Mercury Retrograde is coming to a close.
Have You Tried Lucid Dreaming? Here’s How To Start
Have you ever tried to have a lucid dream? We've got tips and tricks to help you learn how to do it, or how to make your lucid dreams even stronger. -
Samhain Ritual for the Beginner Witch
Samhain, the final harvest festival of the year, marks the Witches New Year. The veil between worlds is at its thinnest, making this a good time to contact passed loved ones and do some divination. This article contains correspondences for Samhain, as well as a Samhain ritual for you to perform. -
Mabon Ritual for the Beginner Witch
Mabon is the second harvest of the year and a time for expressing gratitude for all of the blessings in life. It is a time of plenty and abundance, not just for food, but in other aspects of life as well. -
Grounding and Centering for the Beginner Witch
The purpose of grounding and centering is to stabilize your energy, draw energy from the Earth, and to bring yourself to a positive state of being. -
Divination for the Beginner Witch
Divination is the art of looking into and interpreting the future, and gaining “hidden” knowledge through intuition, the aid of a higher power, and/or the use of divining tools. -
Magickal Tools for the Beginner Witch
Magickal tools have been used in Witchcraft for thousands of years, ranging from rattles and drums, to athames and wands. Each tool brings its own symbolism and power to the... -
Ritual for the Beginner Witch
Rituals are an important part of a Witch’s life. We use rituals to celebrate, help create change in our lives, to connect with Nature and Deities, and a variety of... -
Book of Shadows for the Beginner Witch
You are a Witch; one who performs magick and rituals, and usually helps heal illnesses with simple home remedies. You have a plethora of recipes, magick spells, and rituals all...