The Inked Grimoire
Uncommon Magickal Tools
We all know the classics - cauldrons bubbling with possibility, wands channeling energy, and herb gardens overflowing with natural wonders. But what about the magickal tools lurking in the shadows, waiting to be discovered? Let’s dive into the lesser-known but potent realm of uncommon magickal tools. -
New Moon with Solar Eclipse in Aries – April 8, 2024
This eclipse and New Moon challenge us to bring our boldest and bravest selves to our challenges and goals, especially if they can affect the people around us. It's a time of personal empowerment and growth, a chance to step into our potential. -
The Magick of Leap Day
There’s magick in every day if you want to tap into it. There’s something special about Leap Day, though, and it has its own energy you can tap into for your intentions and practice. Let’s dive into this special “in-between” day! -
Magick Only Looks Like That in the Movies
We love our pop culture witches here at IGC and recognize that these characters are simply that – characters. The last thing we’d want is someone thinking that magick works like it does in some of the most popular Netflix shows and movies. So, let’s bring some truth to the fun found in witchy films and shows!
Embracing Your Dirty Witch Side
Let’s talk about self-care. Sometimes self-care is giving yourself a break. And sometimes self-care is freezing a bitch in an ice spell. Yep, that’s right – sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to be a little bit of a dirty witch. But first, what is a dirty witch? Keep reading!
Yule for the Busy Witch
Yule falls on the Winter Solstice and the longest night of the year. The day following Yule, the Sun returns, and the days start to get longer and longer. Here are some of our favorite Busy Witch tips to celebrate Yule this year!
12 Days of Witchmas
You know the song… “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…” but why can’t we give ourselves little magickal gifts for 12 days of Witchmas? Guess what? We totally can! So rather than lords and ladies – and all those dang birds, am I right? – how about 12 magickal practices to create an even more delightful Yule this year? Let’s do it!
Samhain for the Busy Witch
Samhain occurs on October 31 – the same day as Halloween! The energy of Samhain occurs the week before and the week after October 31, so don’t feel too much pressure to practice your rituals on the date if you’ve got other things going on in your life. -
The Art of Pagan Veiling
Living a magickal life means you’re exposed to more energies than other people – it’s like we become an antenna for good and bad vibes. It also feels like you’re suddenly on the radar for the spiritual world, so a little extra protection always comes in handy. But this is just one reason you might want to veil in your practice and/or everyday life. Once reserved for Abrahamic religions and specific occasions like funerals or weddings – i.e., a bride’s veil – veiling is becoming popular among the magickal and pagan communities.
Mabon for the Busy Witch
Mabon falls on the Autumn Equinox, and for us witches, it’s an excellent day for practicing gratitude and balancing our energy. It’s also a great time to celebrate what we’ve accomplished this year. Even if you’re a busy witch, you can celebrate this beautiful sabbat and quickly honor your practice. We promise you have time to celebrate! Here are some ideas.
How to Set Up an Ancestor Altar
As we move toward the thinning of the veil at Samhain, you may feel the urge to connect with your ancestors. From cooking with your ancestors to setting up an ancestor altar, there are many ways to honor those who have come before you. In this post, I’ll discuss setting up an ancestor altar. Your altar can be as elaborate or as simple as you desire.
Scrying Magick 101
Scrying is an ancient divination practice rooted in Ancient China, Egypt, and Greece. Scrying is accessible to anyone who wants to practice it, and it doesn’t have to include large-scale predictions about the world or the future.