The Inked Grimoire
Cozy Witchcraft for Autumn and Winter
With the shortening days and lengthening nights, it’s the perfect time of year to cozy up with some comfy witchcraft – and witchy crafts! Here are some ideas for increasing the magick of the autumn season with your own magickal crafts. -
Samhain for the Busy Witch
Samhain occurs on October 31 – the same day as Halloween! The energy of Samhain occurs the week before and the week after October 31, so don’t feel too much pressure to practice your rituals on the date if you’ve got other things going on in your life. -
Mabon for the Busy Witch
Mabon falls on the Autumn Equinox, and for us witches, it’s an excellent day for practicing gratitude and balancing our energy. It’s also a great time to celebrate what we’ve accomplished this year. Even if you’re a busy witch, you can celebrate this beautiful sabbat and quickly honor your practice. We promise you have time to celebrate! Here are some ideas.
Scrying Magick 101
Scrying is an ancient divination practice rooted in Ancient China, Egypt, and Greece. Scrying is accessible to anyone who wants to practice it, and it doesn’t have to include large-scale predictions about the world or the future. -
Stop Trying to Memorize Tarot, Witches!
With the Major and Minor Arcana, there are 78 cards in all, and that makes for a lot of memorization. But what if you didn’t have to memorize the cards at all? That’s right, witches! It’s time to stop memorizing the cards and allow your intuition to guide you. Here’s how. -
Lammas for the Busy Witch
Celebrating the sabbats is easy, even if you’re a busy witch! Today we’re talking about Lammas aka Lughnasadh. This is the first harvest festival of the pagan Wheel of the Year. Let’s dive in!
Using Skulls in Magick for Protection
Skulls can be controversial in magick. They serve as grim reminders of our mortality. Pirates used to use them on their flags to inspire fear in others. However, skulls can also be used in magick as protective objects…and maybe a bit of a warning not to eff with the witch using them!
Ice Spells for Banishing or Divination
Ice magick is used to create boundaries, protection, and cool heated situations, much like water magick. However, it’s more intense and focused. So, if you need to freeze someone out, ice magick is definitely the way to go. Here are some of our favorite ice magick spells! -
Beltane for the Busy Witch
Welcome to Beltane! Back in the day, Beltane was a two-day celebration, starting the night before the sabbat. As fun as this sounds, most of us don’t have time for a 24-hour party. So let’s dive into the busy witch version!
Dream Magick 101
Dreams are our mind’s way of processing information from the day, week, month, or lifetime. Most dreams have little significance, but some dreams have more significant meanings and can even be prophetic. -
Ostara for the Busy Witch
You’re a busy witch and may not have time for a full-blown ritual. So, here’s how to celebrate Ostara quickly while still honoring the sabbat properly! Ostara falls on or around March 20th on the day of the Spring Equinox. On this day, both day and night are of equal lengths. After the Equinox, the days will continue to get longer and the nights shorter.
5 Witchy Myths We’re Calling B.S. On
Plenty of myths spread around the internet cause confusion and leave a lot of new witches feeling alienated and confused. So, let’s bust some witchy myths, shall we?