New Moon in Gemini- May 22, 2020

May 22 marks the ending of Taurus season and the beginning of Gemini. Moving forward with new ideas will attract opportunities to help rebuild your own unique path. Saturn in Aquarius supports this New Moon by providing practical yet inspired solutions for any obstacles that occur.
This is a mostly lighthearted New Moon in air sign Gemini. However, the influence of Mercury and Venus retrograde square Neptune could cause confusion and misleading information. Progress can definitely still be made through exchanges of information, particularly in your financial situations. This is a good time for reviewing old habits and thoughts that have affected your decision making.
In times of uncertainty, it’s important to have trustworthy sources to rely on for advice. Whether it’s a person, a philosophy, or even a special spot to visit where you find mental clarity, take advantage of the next two weeks to see what you can achieve by improving your mindset. It is your thoughts that play a huge part in shaping your reality! To connect with this energy, take deeper breaths while meditating, and focus on the Throat Chakra to improve how you communicate with yourself and others.
Wishing you a progressive New Moon in Gemini!
-Juliana M. Fanucchi