New Moon in Aries- April 11/12, 2021

The Aries New Moon falls on Sunday, April 11th or Monday the 12th, depending on your time zone. Fire sign Aries is known for their independence and confidence. This sign also learns through experiences and action, making this New Moon in Aries a chance to discover and commit to personal goals.
Mars, Venus, and Jupiter are all aligned with this New Moon. Planets in trine like this support one another to create an easy, harmonious energy. This trine affects you by fueling your motivation to start something new and fresh. Taking yourself out on an adventure can help you learn more about your true self and enjoy your own company!
The previous Full Moon was in air sign Libra, which is the opposite sign of Aries. You learned to balance the needs of others with the needs of yourself during this time. This New Moon is more about breaking out of routines and caring less about what others may think or say about you. Planet Pluto does form a square with this New Moon, which could bring up the fears or doubts you may have about achieving your goals. Stay true to your authentic self and take actions toward what makes you feel excited and inspired!
-Juliana M. Fanucchi