New Moon in Capricorn- January 11, 2024

New Moon in Capricorn- January 11, 2024

The New Moon in Capricorn arrives on January 11, 2024, to help you visualize your new year. New Moons are the time to set intentions, so with this being the first New Moon of 2024, now is the perfect time to focus on your long-term goals for the year. If you already set resolutions on the 1st, now is a great time to see if anything needs to be adjusted or updated when it comes to your intentions. You can tap into Capricorn's ambitious energy to motivate yourself. 

Capricorn energy is structured and disciplined, so this New Moon in Capricorn will help you create a structured space for your intentions to grow. You may feel compelled to look at your daily routine and shake it up a bit, letting go of practices that no longer work for you and creating new practices that fit who you want to become. In order to achieve your goals, you need to make sure you have regular time dedicated to visualizing them becoming reality. This is easily done by infusing magick into your morning or evening routines through meditation, journaling, visualizing your intentions manifesting, or practicing gratitude magick as you achieve small goals along the way. Capricorn energy will help motivate you to achieve your goals, so go with the flow of this energy, see where it leads you, and don't be afraid to try new ways of doing things.

This New Moon in Capricorn is also filled with the energy of rebirth and transformation as we slowly approach Aquarius season on the 20th. Now is the time to look at the road behind you, honor your past, and see how far you've already come on your journey. What fears come up for you when you turn your focus to the future? Are these fears holding you back from reaching your potential? These are wonderful questions to explore under this Capricorn New Moon!

Happy New Moon in Capricorn!


Posted on by Megan Winkler
Posted on by Megan Winkler