Natural Healing for the Cold and Flu Season

As the temperature drops, the cold and flu rate skyrockets. Sniffles, coughs, sore throats, fevers and aches and pains affect everyone from babies to the elderly. With all of the over-the-counter drugs available today, many people are confused as to what to take for their symptoms, and many times over-medicate themselves.
Does this sound familiar: "Well, I don’t have a fever, but, I have the other symptoms on the pill pack, so, I’ll take it anyway." As the medical industry (including your doctor, TV commercials and more) pushes pharmaceutical medication on us, many people are deciding to go back to their ‘roots’ for healing methods. We here at Inked Goddess Creations are firm believers in natural healing, and practice many homeopathic methods ourselves. We do advise that if you want to start on the path to naturopathy, that you contact a certified herbalist or natural healer before you begin.
As well as having metaphysical properties, herbs have medicinal and healing properties.
Some Common Herbs to Fight the Cold and Flu:
Coltsfoot: Pain relief, cough
Comfrey: Stomach ache, sprains
Dandelion: Cleansing, laxative
Echinacea: Reduces cold symptoms, immune booster, pain relief, inflammation
Elderberry: Anti-viral, boosts your immune system to fight the flu
Feverfew: Fever reducer
Garlic: Anti-viral and antibiotic
Ginger: Kills germs, helps with nausea and vomiting
Horehound: Coughs, sore throat
Marshmallow: Expectorant, coughs, sore throat, asthma
Mullein: Expectorant, lung ailments
Osha Root: Respiratory issues, cough
Plantain: Inflammation of skin, sores
Sage: Sore throat, cough, sinus issues
St.John’s Wort: Mood lifter
Thyme: Respiratory issues, stomach issues
White Willow: Natural aspirin
While brewing a tea with corresponding herbs for your illness is one of the easiest ways to get the healing properties of the herbs, there are many tinctures, supplements, candies, and syrups you can purchase at your local health food store or online nowadays.
Please note, again: Do not start an herbal supplement or regimen without consulting a certified herbalist or natural healing doctor first, *especially* if you are pregnant or nursing.
On a metaphysical level, cleansing your home by burning sage, palo santo wood, or a cleansing blend of herbs can also help keep the cold and flu at bay. While burning certain herbs will actually cleanse the air of germs, a whole uplifting of the dense energy of sickness can help speed up the healing process for many people!
We recommend a simple blend of:
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Sage
1 part Rosemary
2 parts Sandalwood
Grind together with a mortar and pestle or coffee grinder and burn on a charcoal disc to help metaphysically cleanse the area and protect those in the home who aren't sick from getting sick.
The best thing way to tackle the cold and flu season is by prevention. Eat healthy, take time for yourself, rest, and listen to your body. If you need help relaxing, chamomile tea is great for that. If you feel the sniffles coming on, feed your body minimally processed, highly nutritious foods to build your immune system to fight it. The closer a food is to its natural state, the healthier it is for your body.
We wish you all the best during this cold and flu season!