The Inked Grimoire
Tools for the Herbal Witch
The path of the herbal witch weaves the power of plants into your magickal practice. But just like any skilled herbalist, you need the right tools to cultivate and utilize the potent energy of the plant world. -
12 Days of Witchmas
You know the song… “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…” but why can’t we give ourselves little magickal gifts for 12 days of Witchmas? Guess what? We totally can! So rather than lords and ladies – and all those dang birds, am I right? – how about 12 magickal practices to create an even more delightful Yule this year? Let’s do it!
Mabon for the Busy Witch
Mabon falls on the Autumn Equinox, and for us witches, it’s an excellent day for practicing gratitude and balancing our energy. It’s also a great time to celebrate what we’ve accomplished this year. Even if you’re a busy witch, you can celebrate this beautiful sabbat and quickly honor your practice. We promise you have time to celebrate! Here are some ideas.
Magickal Herbal Healing for Summer
As temperatures rise and the bugs come out en masse, it’s time to turn our attention to some herbal remedies for summer. We’ve created a list of healing and magickal herbal ingredients below to help you combat bug bites, soothe sunburns, and chase the heat away, including some magickal correspondences!
Ostara for the Busy Witch
You’re a busy witch and may not have time for a full-blown ritual. So, here’s how to celebrate Ostara quickly while still honoring the sabbat properly! Ostara falls on or around March 20th on the day of the Spring Equinox. On this day, both day and night are of equal lengths. After the Equinox, the days will continue to get longer and the nights shorter.
Imbolc for the Busy Witch
Welcome to the season of Imbolc! This sabbat celebrates renewal, rejuvenation, and a return of the light. It’s a soft time when things are beginning to stir after the sleepy, cold winter. -
Witchy Shit to Do During October
October may be our favorite month of the year, but it’s not all bats and pumpkins. October is a wonderful time to really get your witchy vibes on, with ancestor work, divination, and more! Here are some fun ideas to indulge your witchy side this month.
Old-World Names for Herbs
“Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog…” the witches of “Macbeth” chant. Luckily for the squeamish, these are names of plants and not the body parts of poor animals! -
Favorite Practices for Mind, Body, Soul Connections from the IGC Witches
Life can get heavy sometimes, and it’s important to have practices for your mind, body, and soul when you need them. So, we got together to share our favorite practices with you. We hope these help you connect even more with yourself. Here’s what we witches at ICG recommend!
Mini Money Magick: Little Ways to Practice
We’re all about the Busy Witch lifestyle here at Inked Goddess Creations, so we wanted to create a quick list of easy, small ways to practice money magick. We’re calling it “Mini Money Magick” and all these tips take only one or two steps to complete. -
Are You a Cottage Witch?
A cottage witch centers their magickal practice on their home, with a holistic approach to magick, including hearth craft, kitchen witchery, and green witchcraft. -
Which Type of Witch Are You?
You may already have a full understanding of what kind of witch you are, but if you don’t, we created this handy little guide to help. These categories of witches are intentionally left broad because we believe there’s no one correct way to be a witch. You might be a combination of a few of these types, or you may have received a practice from your family.